Chapter 33 - End of winter break

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Harry and Y/N wander through the house. It's almost time for them to go and they wanted just a little bit more time to spend here. They found a room with a family tree and they just stared at the names on the wall.

"Harry Potter, the boy who stopped the Dark Lord." Kreacher mutters and the pair look at the house-elf "Friend of Mudbloods and blood-traitors alike. If my poor mistress only knew-"

"Kreacher! That's enough of your bile." Sirius yells "Away with you!"

The house-elf nods "of course, master. Kreacher lives to serve the noble house of Black" he mutters and walks away

"Sorry about that." Sirius says with a smile "He never was very pleasant, even when I was a boy. Not to me, anyway."

"You grew up here?" Harry says surprised

"This is my parents' house. I offered it to Dumbledore as headquarters for the Order." Sirius replies "About the only useful thing I've been able to do."

"So this is the Black family tree." Y/N says and Sirius nods to a woman on the wall and sighs.

"Bellatrix Lestrange, my deranged cousin. I hated the lot of them. My parents with their pure-blood mania" Sirius says and the two teenagers listen intently he points to a blackened out spot on the wall. It was his name "My mother did that after I ran away. Charming woman. I was 16.

"Where did you go?" Harry asks and Sirus smiles

"Your dad's. I was always welcome at the Potters'." he says and Harry smiles. "I see him so much in you, Harry. You are so very much alike."

"I'm not so sure." Harry says his eyes not meeting Sirius' gaze and Y/N looks at the raven-haired boy curiously "when I was- when I saw Mr Weasley get attacked, I wasn't just watching. I was the snake."

"You didn't tell me that" Y/N says and Harry looks up to meet her gaze. the two sharing an understanding "I was watching it. The snake, the attack"

"And in Dumbledore's office, there was a moment when I wanted to-" Harry continue and Y/N places a caring hand on his shoulder. Sirius watches them curiously

"I know, I felt it too" Y/N says quietly and Harry nods and turns his attention back to Sirius

"This connection between us and Voldemort. What if the reason for it is that" Harry hesitates "we're becoming more like him?"

"Harry's right, I just feel so angry all the time." Y/N says "It's caused me to hurt the ones I love and I'm scared, after everything that I've been through, something's gone wrong inside me? What if we're both becoming bad?"

Sirus looks at the two teens with a comforting look in his eye. "I want you to listen to me very carefully, Y/N, Harry. You're not bad people. You're are very good witches and wizards that bad things have happened to."

"Then why do we feel this way," Harry asks

"I can't answer that Harry. But what I do know is that the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are."

Harry and Y/N nod and both give Sirius a tight embrace. Both the teenagers feeling a little lighter being able to get the emotions off their chests. Suddenly there is a knock on the door and the three of them look up to see Hermione standing at the door.

"It's time to go." The Gryffindor girl says and Sirius nods and breaks the embrace

"When all this is over, we'll be a proper family." Sirius says and Harry and Y/N smile


"Hey Y/N could you help me with something," Jorden says getting the Ravenclaw's attention

They had finally arrived back at Hogwarts and all the students were excitedly chatting and catching up with friends to talk about winter break. Y/N looked at the Hufflepuff boy curiously as he looks slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah sure" Y/N replies and turns to Hermione "I'll meet you in the Ravenclaw common room"

Hermione kisses the Ravenclaw's lips tenderly "I'll be waiting"

Y/N smiles and breaks away from her friends and walks with Jorden to the quidditch pitch. The Hufflepuff boy sighs but looks relieved to get away from their friends and just talk with Y/N. The Ravenclaw girl looks at Jorden curiously not sure what got him in such a state.

"Is everything okay Jord's" Y/N asks

"Yeah it's fine," Jorden says quickly and Y/N gives him a look and the Hufflepuff sighs "how did you know you liked girls"

The Ravenclaw was surprised by the question "well not to sound like an idiot but I guess it was a feeling"

the Hufflepuff sighs "yeah I guess I figured that much" Jorden mumbles and Y/N grabs his wrist gently looking into his eyes

"Jorden what's going on," Y/N asks softly and Jorden sighs

"I kissed someone a few months ago," Jorden says

"That's great," Y/N says not sure if she was supposed to be excited "who's the girl"

"Her name was Amelia, a Hufflepuff in the year above," Jorden says "But the thing is whilst we were making out, I was thinking of someone else"

Then it all clicks for Y/N "It was Callan wasn't it"

Jorden looks surprised "How did you-"

"I've known Callan since childhood and I know how he acts when he likes someone, and I also know you"

Jorden smiles "Well yeah I like Callan, but then I guess it made me sort of question my sexuality and I've come to the conclusion that I'm bi"

Y/N grins and hugs the Hufflepuff boy tightly. They both stay like that with smiles on their faces. Eventually, Y/N pulls away. "I'm so happy for you Jorden and very proud of you"

Jorden grins "yeah it's good to finally say it to someone"

"I bet" Y/N says "So what are you going to do about Callan"

"I don't know" Jorden says "I was hoping he would approach me by now as you know he's so confident in himself but he hasn't yet which makes me wonder does he even like me back"

Y/N giggles "Your going to have to make the first move mate, Callan doesn't know that your bi and that you like him"

Jorden sighs "why does it have to be so difficult. You know me Y/N, I'm terrible at this sort of stuff" he whines

"Oh I know," Y/N says with a grin and the two start laughing

They make it to the Hufflepuff change rooms and Jorden pulls out a bag full of his kit gear. Y/N makes a disgusted face as the smell of dirty laundry hits her nose. Jorden stands there slightly embarrassed.

"I forgot to wash my gear before I left," Jorden says sheepishly

"Jord's thats gross" Y/N says "don't ask me to help you wash that"

Jorden pouts "please" he whines

"Absolutely not" Y/N replies and Jorden rolls his eyes.

"Alright fine, thank you for the talk by the way. It really helped me out" Jorden says

"Its no problem I'm gad to help" Y/N says

"Alright you can go off to your girlfriend now" Jorden says and Y/N grins and practically races off the change rooms up to the Ravenclaw common room.

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