Chapter 31 - Christmas

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So far the winter break has been calm. Everyone got the news that Mr Weasley was coming home for Christmas and the Weasley children were relieved that their dad was going to be okay. Harry and Y/N still feel bad for dreaming of the situation but neither of them mentioned anything to the group.

Y/N and Hermione were also in better spirits over the break. After their talk and their fun activities, the two fell back into their normal routine and the group was in higher spirits knowing that their favourite couple was happy once again.

Y/N sleeps happily next to the Gryffindor beauty and snuggles closer to her, taking in her vanilla-honey scent that she loves so much. The Ravenclaw was just starting to wake up but kept her eyes shut and rests quietly next to her girlfriend. Y/N gently wraps her arm around the Gryffindor's waist and Hermione hums in response. The bushy-haired girl pushes her back closer to Y/N as she holds her close.

Y/N smiles "Morning my love" she murmurs

Hermione shifts on the bed she is facing her girlfriend and snuggles close, her head resting in the nook of Y/N's shoulder. The Ravenclaw kisses her temple gently and Hermione smiles "Good morning baby"

Y/N smiles and gently draws patterns on Hermione's back with her fingertips. She sighs deeply "I wish we could stay like this forever"

Hermione chuckles "me too"

Suddenly, the door bursts open and Ron, Harry and Jorden burst in the couple shoot up at the intrusion. The boys have gleeful smiles on their faces as they jump on the bed. Thank god they decided to put on clothes on.

"Merry Christmas you two," Jorden says squeezing himself between the couple as well as Ron and Harry  landing beside both of them squeezing them into a bone crushing hug.

Hermione and Y/N both groan as the boys laugh. Suddenly Rue and Aston enter the room and smile as they pile onto the bed too.

"Merry Christmas Y/N" Rue says and the Ravenclaw forwns

"Its too early for this" Y/N groans "and I also hate all of you"

"I second that" Hermione says and her friends bursts out laughing knowing that they're joking.

The boys all get off whilst Rue and Aston give the couple more room as they sit up. Aston grins excitedly "Come guys we have presents downstairs"

Aston races out of the room followed by Rue and the rest of the boys. Y/N giggles and so does Hermione. Flo then stands at the door way with a smirk.

"Merry Christmas Flo" Hermione says and the Ravenclaw grins

"Merry Christmas you two" Flo says "I hope you liked your wake up call"

"Yeah it was fantastic" Y/N huffs in a sarcastic tone

Flo laughs "come on don't leave the boys waiting"

And they don't. Both Hermione and Y/N get up and make their way down stairs to open each others presents. They went downstairs to see their friends all sitting in the living room with Harry and Cal handing out the presents to everyone. Y/N sits next to Ginny and Hermione on the floor as Cal and Harry hands her an assortment of gifts.

She gets a blue scarf from Flo, a few scented candles from Jorden, Honeydukes sweets from Ron, a Cyndi Lauper vinyl from Cal and a bottle of her favourite brand of perfume from Harry.

Hermione handed Y/N a fairly small brown box which was surprisingly heavy. "Merry Christmas Y/N"

The Ravenclaw grins and kisses Hermione's cheek and opens the present. Inside the box she finds and assortment of things. Their are her favourite sweets along side a few polaroid pictures of them at the fair this summer. Also there are two music CD's of the bands Weezer and Oasis, a new quill because she breaks them all the time and scented parchment that smelt like the Gryffindor girl. What caught her eye though was a small silver dragon that resembled a Hungarian horntail. She picks it up and examines it, now realising its a paperweight

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