Chapter 48 - The Aftermath

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Y/N slowly wakes up. Her eyes adjust to light light in the room and she finds herself in the hospital wing. The Ravenclaw looks around the room to find it almost empty except for the sight of her girlfriend sleeping in a nearby chair next to her bed.

Y/N turns her head a little too harshly and a wave of dizziness comes over her. The Ravenclaw groans and Hermione starts to stir. The Gryffindor girl wakes up and her eyes widen as she sees her girlfriend awake.

She practically launches out of her chair and sits beside Y/N. The Ravenclaw takes her hand and smiles. Hermione warps her arms around her girlfriend for a tight embrace and Y/N does the same.

They stay like that for the longest time. Neither one saying a word. Their embrace says enough. Y/N buries her head in the nook of Hermione's shoulder wanting to feel her closer.

"I missed you" Y/N says softly

"Me too" Hermione whispers back

They pull back from each other slightly so they can look at each other. Y/N gently rests her forehead on her girlfriends and breathes deeply feeling calmer.

"How long was I out" Y/N asks

"A day" Hermione says and Y/N nods

"I'm sorry for almost dying. Again" Y/N says

"Hey look at me, please my love" Hermione says lovingly and gently places her hands on Y/N's cheeks. "This wasn't your fault, what happened wasn't like last year. Your heart was still beating. Despite being a little worried to begin with, I knew you would be alright"

Y/N nods and then the memories of last night come flooding back. Her dad is dead, killed by Bellatrix. The Ravenclaw shakes her head in disbelief.

"Please tell me that it wasn't real, that my dad is alive" Y/N says her voice becoming strained. Hermione looks at her with a pained expression and Y/N already knows what it means "please Hermione tell me I'm wrong, please"

Hermione has tears in her eyes as she looks down at her hands "I'm so sorry"

There it is. Her father is gone for real this time. She takes a shaky breath but she won't will herself to cry. Hermione takes her hand and Y/N doesn't shutter away at the action. "It's okay to cry Y/N, it's okay to feel-"

"I don't feel anything" Y /N says softly

"You don't have to be brave all the time" Hermione replies and touches Y/N's cheek causing her to look at her girlfriends honey-brown eyes. "Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is to show weakness"

At those words Y/N breaks. Tears fall freely from her eyes and she clutches onto Hermione like she's her lifeline. Y/N sobs against Hermione's shoulder whilst the Gryffindor girl just holds her in an effort to comfort her girlfriend.


"I know how you feel, Harry and Y/N" Dumbledore says. The two teenagers sit in the headmaster's office, their heads slumped to the ground.

"No, you don't" Harry says solemnly and the room goes quiet

"It's my fault" Y/N says "I should have known it was a trap, that Voldemort would try and seek us out. It happened just like last year"

"No, the fault is mine, Y/N." Dumbledore says "I knew it was only a matter of time before Voldemort made the connection between you two. I thought by distancing myself from you, as I have done all year, he'd be less tempted, and therefore you might be more protected"

The two nod understandingly but neither of them believe his words, Y/N stills blames herself for her fathers death and same for Harry.

"The prophecy said: 'Neither one can live while the other one survives.' It means one of us is gonna have to kill the other, in the end" Harry says and the headmaster sighs

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