Chapter 50- End of book 3

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Y/N sits under a large tree just near the edge of the forest that surrounds the Magnolis manor. Both her and Harry are still grieving their own way and wanted to give each other space. Their aunt has been doing the same but checks in now and then. The Ravenclaw has a guitar in hand and strums a simple tune trying to forget all the pain she has gone through over the past year.

The sad thing is that Y/N knows that what she's feeling now won't be the last time. The war is coming and now the whole wizarding world knows about it. The Ravenclaw sighs and looks out to the green hills and that's when she sees him.

Draco stands in a black tailored suit with a sorrowful expression on his face. He seems just as confused as Y/N as to why he's here. The Ravenclaw makes no move to get up and just stares at him. The anger she has for her cousin is mostly gone except she doesn't want to talk to him.

"Hi," he says

"Hi" Y/N replies and the two teens are silent. "What are you doing here Draco"

Draco is silent for a while "I don't know" he says softly and Y/N sighs. "I'm sure you've heard about dad"

Y/N nods. Lucius was sentenced to Azkaban after the attack on the ministry "I'm sorry"

"Please don't pretend to be sorry, I know you hated the man" Draco says

"Can you blame me?" Y/N says and Draco nods

"No." Draco says "No, I don't blame you" and the two fall back into the silence

"Again, why are you here Draco," Y/N asks and the Slytherin boy looks down at his feet with a sombre expression on his face.

"The order has been made," Draco says with tears in his eyes "Now with my dad in Azkaban, they've moved the date. I have to become a Death Eater"


"I don't want it" Draco says cutting her cousin off "I don't want to but I have no choice. He'll kill me if I don't"

A tear falls down Y/N's face. She has never seen Draco shaken with this much fear, dread and regret. "Draco I'm so sorry"

"I should be the one apologising" Draco responds his eyes watering "you were right as usual"

"So I guess this is it. Our sides have been chosen," Y/N says

Draco nods "Yeah. So I guess I'm here to say goodbye"

Silence sits amongst the two as Y/N just nods and Draco just stands their not sure what to do with himself. Y/N sighs and looks at her cousin.

"Just letting you know I don't blame you," Y/N says "You don't have a choice and you're doing what you have to do to survive, I can understand that"

"Thanks, but I have a feeling your friends won't" Draco says and wipes the tears from his eyes "please don't tell them"

Y/N nods "I won't" and a small smile on her lips "I wrote you song" the Ravenclaw says "I wrote it a while ago, but do you want to hear it"

Draco nods and Y/N strums a simple tune on her guitar and begins to sing.

I've got no place
Buildin' you a rocket up to outer space
I watch you fade
Keepin' the lights on in this forsaken place

Little star
Feels like you fell right on my head
Gave you away to the wind
I hope it was worth it in the end

Us against the world
Just a couple sinners makin' fun of hell,
If I keep you here
I'll only be doin' it for myself

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