Chapter 3 - Nightmare

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Y/N and Hermione sit down at the dining table next to each other with smiles on their faces. Under the table, Hermione had joined their hands together as Mrs Granger serves everyone dinner.

"I hope you like pasta Y/N," Mr Granger says and Y/N smiles at the man

"I certainly do and thank you for having me over" Y/N replies as she takes a bite of her meal "It's delicious by the way"

"Thank you Y/N and you're welcome to come over any time" Mrs Granger replies

Y/N smiles and eats her food whilst she listens to the family talk about their day. Hermione acts differently around her parents. The Gryffindor girl looks more at ease and calm which is a side that Y/N doesn't usually see when they are with their friends. Most of the time at school the group is put into near-death experiences so that also adds to her girlfriend's tense behaviour.

"So Y/N how are you finding school," Mrs Granger asks

"Yeah it's been going well. The last few years have been a little hectic but I always make it one of my top priorities to study"

"That's good to hear," Mrs Granger says with a warm smile "what do you find is your favourite subject"

"I've always enjoyed astronomy, I've always liked learning about the stars and stuff, but I have to say I enjoy quidditch the most"

"Right yes Hermione mentioned that you played for the Ravenclaw team, what was the position again," Mr Granger asks

"She's a seeker dad," Hermione says "and she's one of the best seekers Ravenclaw has ever had"

Y/N blushes at the praise "Hermione hyped me up too much"

"That's the job of a girlfriend Y/N," Mr Granger says "and I'm sure that the praise is well earned"

"Hermione doesn't praise someone for their abilities lightly" Mrs Granger adds

"Well it's Hermione who should be getting all the praise. Has she told you she has her own title" Y/N says with a smirk and her girlfriend sighs.

"What Hermione you never told us about this" Mrs Granger says surprised

"Y/N!" Hermione says annoyed

"She's known as the brightest witch of her age" Y/N smirks "and it's well deserved too, Hermione is brilliant at anything she does, she knows a spell for practically anything"

"Hermione that's amazing dear," Mrs Granger says

"Thanks mum," Hermione says and they all continue to finish their meal. "but Y/N is pretty smart too, she's the only other person that can keep up"

"That's how we actually started talking, by studying together," Y/N says and Mr and Mrs Granger smile at the young couple.

"I can see why my daughter likes you Y/N," Mr Granger says and Mrs Granger smiles

"Seeing you two together, I know for a fact that the two of you care for each other. Hermione dear you picked a good one"

Y/N smiles and blushes at the praise and Hermione does the same "Thanks mum, I know I have" the Gryffindor replies

Y/N and the Granger's finish up dinner with the Ravenclaw girl opting to help Hermione's mum with the dishes whilst Hermione talks with her dad in the other room.

"Y/N do you need to be home at any time, it's starting to get late" Mrs Granger asks

"I was going to book a motel close by. It's a little risky taking the floo network at this time," Y/N

"What Y/N your not staying in a motel you're staying here," Hermione says as she walks into the kitchen "it should be fine, right mum"

"Of course it is, isn't that right Wendall" Mrs granger calls

"It's fine with me dear "Mr Granger calls from the living room

"Well what do you say," Hermione asks and Y/N smiles

"Thank you for the offer I would love to stay" Y/N says and Hermione smiles and kisses Y/N's cheek

"Then it's settled then," Mrs Granger says "I know over the holidays it's can be difficult spending time with one another"

"It can be a pain but we make it work," Y/N says with a smile and slips her hand into Hermione's


The fog in the graveyard is thick and Y/N watches as Cedric turns around and faces Voldemort. the dark lord comes closer towards them and Y/N tries to yell to gain his attention. She couldn't speak and her legs won't move. Y/N watches as the green light hits Cedric's body and falls to the ground, dead.

Voldemort then appears in front of her with his evil expression. "You and I are the same Y/N, I'll show you..."

"Y/N wake up please" Hermione's voice calls quietly as she tries to gently shake her girlfriend awake.

The Ravenclaw's breathing is heavy as she suffers from her dream. Her face and collar bone were in a thin layer of sweat. Y/N's head shifted from side to side as she mumbled in her sleep, the only words Hermione could pick up on were 'Cedric' and 'get to the cup'.

Suddenly, Y/N rapidly wakes up gasping for air. "'mione" she calls and her girlfriend is by her side in an instant.

"Y/N it's alright you're in my room," Hermione says as she faces her girlfriend who has her eyes slammed shut and her breathing shallow. She touch's Y/N's face and moves her hands to cup her jaw. "You're okay, take deep breathes"

Y/N does so and she holds Hermione's hands to her face as it calms her down. As her breathing settles, Y/N drops her hands and so does Hermione but she slips them around Y/N's back as the Ravenclaw rests her head on Hermione's sternum.

"I'm sorry," she says quietly

"Y/N don't apologise for something like this" Hermione says. Her heart is breaking at the thought of her girlfriend's pain. "You went through something terrible, we- I don't expect you to feel like everything will be normal"

Y/N nods "I feel so powerless, I don't like feeling like this"

"I know baby, I know," Hermione says and she can feel Y/N faintly smile against her chest.

"We should lay down again," Y/N says and Hermione nods

Y/N slowly lays back down with Hermione following. The bedside lamp is the only light illuminating the room. Hermione slowly raises her hand to the collar of Y/N's shirt to wear the scar lies underneath.

"Does it hurt?" Hermione asks

"Sometimes, mainly when I sleep. It also becomes more inflamed after a nightmare like I just had." Y/N says "Harry says it has something to do with our tie to Voldemort"

Hermione slowly peels back the collar of Y/N's shirt to reveal the angry-looking scar. She cautiously reaches out her hand looking at Y/N to check if this was okay. Y/N nods and the bushy-haired girl touches the scar.

Y/N breathes in deeply. Hermione's touch is soothing to her skin. "Why do you think Voldemort was after you"

"I'm a part of the prophecy, I'm the chosen one's protector" Y/N answers

"What, when did you find out," Hermione asks curiously

"A week ago. Only Dumbledore, McGonagall and my aunt know and also now Harry and you" Y/N says

"You're going to have to tell the others you know," Hermione says

"I know" Y/N replies "I'll tell everyone on the train ride to Hogwarts, that way everyone is in the same room"

"Alright, we should probably get some sleep though," Hermione says

Y/N smiles and snuggles closer to her girlfriend and she breathes in her vanilla honey scent "night 'mione"

Hermione kisses Y/N's forehead "goodnight Y/N"

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