Chapter 10 - 12 Grimmauld Place

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The wizards fly through London's night sky. They travel far away from the city lights sticking close to the shadows. Y/N found it different flying on a broom in the muggle world. She only ever flew her broom around the Magnolis manor or on the quidditch pitch.

Tonks flew next to them, she had a cheeky smile on her face as she looked at Harry. The raven-haired boy seemed to look a lot calmer than before.

"Prepare to land" Moody shouts and they slowly descend back down to the ground.

They cut through the clouds, gliding lower as they went. Tonks touches down right before Harry does and the rest follow pursuit. As they dismount their brooms they arm themselves with their wands. 

"Here read this," Moody says and hands Y/N a piece of parchment

Y/N studies the parchment "The headquarters of the Order of the Pheonix may be found at number twelve Grimmauld Place, London"

Y/N looks at the at the gap between the houses and suddenly bricks start to move and a house starts to form between the existing ones. Lastly a door appears and a metal gate. Moody takes the parchment from Y/N and sets it afire with his wand before they all move to the door.

"Come on, inside hurry" Moody says

Lupin and Tonks stand beside Y/N and Harry as they step up close to the door. Lupin taps the door with his wand as it creaks open.

"Get in quick, and don't touch anything" Lupin says and Harry steps inside followed by Y/N.

They enter the musty entrance hall. To one side is a staircase leading up to the next level and their is a light at the end of the hallway. The rest of the Order enter and walk past the two young wizards and make their way into the next room where muffled voices are herd.

"He almost killed Y/N. If that isn't proof enough-"

"Yes, but guarding you-know-what is the most important.-"

"We must trust Dumbledore on this."

"Was he able to protect Harry and Y/N last year?"

"Well, tonight I say it's time to take action. Cornelius Fudge is a politician first and a wizard second. His instinct would be to ignore it-"

"Keep your voices down"

"He's getting stronger and stronger by the minute. We have to act now."

Tonks winks at them as she enters the room. The voices stop as she entered and Y/N looks at Harry, they go to open the door only to find the familiar face of Mrs Weasley greeting them.

"Harry, Y/N" Mrs Weasley greets warmly

"Mrs Weasley" Y/N says and hugs her tightly and Harry does the same

"Heavens your both alright" Mrs Weasley says. Suddenly a man appears in the door way we'll-groomed has familiar silver eyes and both Y/N and Harry both smile brightly



Sirius smiles and hugs the two teenagers tightly "Y/N, Harry I've missed you two so much"

"We have too" Harry says

"Dad how-"

"Your aunt planned the whole thing, getting the Order back together and getting headquarters set up" Sirius replies

"The Gala" Y/N says and Harry smiles

"Alright I hate to cut the reunion short but you two can catch up with Sirius after the meeting" Lupin says and both Y/N and Harry frown

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