Chapter 7 - The Falcon and the Snake

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Y/N and Cal stare at the Malfoy boy. He looks worried and out of place but he maintains eye contact with the Ravenclaw girl. Y/N automatically stiffens and Cal notices her change in body language and also in Hermione's.

"What's he doing here," Ron says

"Wait you were friends with Draco," Hermione says at Y/N but she doesn't speak.

"You forget that Y/N and Draco are cousins," Cal says "they were very close back in the day"

"Callan" Y/N warns

"We stopped being friends with him when he spoke about blood purity and took his pureblood status way too seriously" Callan continued

"He shouldn't be here," Y/N says as she tightens her jaw. She looks over to Hermione who is definitely uncomfortable. "are you okay"

"Just make him leave please," Hermione says and Y/N nods and makes her way over to Draco. Malfoy just stands there with a stoic expression as Y/N approaches

"What are you doing here," Y/N asks

"I wanted to see you, I didn't know your aunt was throwing a gala," Draco says calmly

"Well as you can see, I'm a little preoccupied at the moment. You need to leave" Y/N replies

"Look Y/N can we talk" Draco says stoically

"Why should I listen to anything you say" Y/N snaps

"Y/N please" Draco says sincerely his eyes pleading

Y/N looks into Draco's eyes which for once don't seem to be filled with rage. He looks anxious, a look she hasn't seen on the Slytherin boy. The Ravenclaw sighs and places a hand to her temple to try and ease the headache she feels.

"Follow me," Y/N says and leads him out the back of the house.

The night is quiet and the air is still. There are only a few lights on under the decking of the manor. The stars shine brightly and Y/N leans against the railing of the deck whilst Draco stands nervously.

"Thank you for agreeing to talk," Draco says "So I saw Callan's back"

"Cut the small talk and spit out whatever you want to say and get lost," Y/N says bitterly

"Look I get that you don't want to talk to me after everything but, I- well-"

"Just bloody say it Draco" Y/N snaps

"I miss you, alright!" Draco blurts and Y/N stays silent not knowing what to say "last year you- you died right in front of everyone and I couldn't will myself to move. I wanted to see if you were alright but Potter and your mudblood girlfriend were there"

"Don't call her a mudblood," Y/N snaps "or I won't stand here and listen to what you have to say"

Draco holds his tongue and nods "did your aunt tell you I visited you in the hospital wing"

"No" Y/N says looking a little surprised

Draco scoffs "of course she didn't. Anyways I just stared at your lifeless body and it made me realise how much I just wanted to see you smile or even frown at me again. I just wanted you to be alive. Your aunt saw me talking to you and told me to leave"

"Draco I'm really seeing the point here," Y/N says

"The point is that I regretted what happened between us, and when you woke up I built up the courage to come here and talk to you and ask for a second chance," Draco says

"Are you honestly serious right now" Y/N scoffs "you honestly believe that I would give you second chance after everything you've put me through? After everything you've my friends through, after everything you've put my girlfriend through!"

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