Chapter 6 - The Gala part 2

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Y/N walks around the gala greeting all the guests as they congratulate her on the performance. The Ravenclaw has already spoken to Arthur and Molly Weasley as well as Bill and Charles too. She makes casual small talk with ministry witches and wizards but out of the corner of her eye she spots Hermione talking with Ginny and Flo. Her girlfriend looks gorgeous in her pastel yellow dress and Y/N can't seem to take her eyes off her.

"The trade routes for wands are blocked at the moment Y/N" Mr Wilkins addresses

"And of course, that means wand prices have gone up haven't they Walter" Mrs Mallard replies

"That's terrible" Y/N comments wanting nothing more than to get away from this conversation

Suddenly a familiar girl dressed in a black cocktail dress with off white sneakers stands right next to Y/N. "Sorry to interrupt but do you mind if I steal my cousin away"

"Tonks," Y/N says happily and hugs the older girl tightly. The two witches excuse themselves and the Ravenclaw girl sighs with relief "thanks for the save, you could've come earlier though"

Tonks chuckles and hands her a glass of champagne "I could've but it was too funny watching you squirm. Anyways your welcome for the save"

"How have you been," Y/N asks and Tonks sighs

"It's been alright, Auror work has been tough but good so far," Tonk says but whispers close to Y/N's ear "but I'm here for the Order"

"You're joining," Y/N says surprised and Tonks nods "How-"

"I can't talk about it now Y/N, but I promise you'll know soon enough" Tonks smiles and Y/N sighs but nods "Be patient, I know that can be hard for you"

"Shut up Nymphadora" Y/N smirks and Tonks playfully punches the Ravenclaws arm

"Jerk" Tonks replies and they both start laughing and take a sip of their champagne

"Am I interrupting something?" a familiar voice says and Y/N looks up to see Professor Lupin smiling brightly at the two of them.

"Professor Lupin it's good to see you again," Y/N says with a smile and hugs the older man

"Please Y/N I'm not your teacher anymore, call me Remus," Lupin says

"Okay it's good to see you, Remus"

"It's a little weird you calling me that but I'll allow it" Lupin says and at/N chuckles. He smiles at Tonks "Remus Lupin" he greets

Tonks shakes his hands and smiles "Nymphadora Tonks, but everyone just calls me Tonks"

"Nymphadora, it's a beautiful name" Lupin replies and Tonks blushes slightly

Y/N sculls the rest of her drink, "I'm going to take this as my cue to leave. Later Tonks, bye Remus"

"Bye Y/N," they both say and the Ravenclaw girl continues to talk with guests.

She spots a familiar Ravenclaw girl in a light blue dress watching the guests dance from the appetiser station. She recognises that she is in the year below her but never got her name. The girl spots her and smiles warmly as Y/N approaches

"Hello Y/N lovely party," the girl says

"Thank you, I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself" Y/N replies and the girl smiles

"Luna Lovegood, my dad's an editor for the quibbler. That's how he knows your aunt" Luna says

Y/N shakes Luna's hand "right, Xenophilius Lovegood. I've met him once before, he's a good man"

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