Chapter 15 - Introducing Umbridge

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Everyone is gathered in the great hall for the feast and sorting of the first years has commenced. Jorden's siblings were sorted with Aston in Hufflepuff and Rue in Ravenclaw. Rue sat next to Y/N as everyone watched Dumbledore give his speech.

"I beg a few moments of your attention, as I have a few start of term announcements." Dumbledore says "we have two staffing changes this year. Professor Grubbly-Plank will be taking the post of Care of Magical Creatures as Professor Hagrid is on extended leave"

Y/N exchanges a glace at Flo "do we know where's Hagrid is" she whispers

"Not directly, we know he's on a mission for the Order" Flo whispers back and Y/N nods

"Additionally, we have Professor Dolores Umbridge who has kindly agreed to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts"

Suddenly a woman all dressed in bright pink stands up. At the sight of her, Y/N feels sick. Rue then nudges her side.

"Just looking at her gives me a headache," Rue says and Y/N snickers at the younger Ravenclaw's comment.

"Headmaster, if I could address the school," Umbridge says and Dumbledore looks taken aback but nether the less steps back as Umbridge steps forward to address the school. "Thank you Headmaster for those kind words of welcome. How lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling back at me"

Umbridge smiles unnervingly. None of the students are smiling, in fact, Y/N's frown on her face deepens at the woman's words "I already hate her" Y/N whispers and Flo holds in her laughter.

"I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends" Umbridge continues "the Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young wizards of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practises that ought to be prohibited"

She ends her speech and an evil grin and students start to applaud as Dumbledore leads it. "Thank you Professor Umbridge, that really was most illuminating"

"Illuminating, what a load of waffle" Rue says and Flo and Y/N grin

"I think we're a bad influence on you Rue," Y/N says and the younger Ravenclaw grins

"You've just figured that out," Rue says and the two girls grin. "But what's it mean?"

"It means that magic is forbidden in the corridors," Flo says and Rue turns to Y/N

"It means the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts." Y/N says glaring at Umbridge


Y/N follows Harry into the Gryffindor common room. Hermione wanted to show Y/N her prefect room but had to wait as she had to get the first years sorted the same as Ron. Flo wanted to come but she had to show the Ravenclaw first years to their common room.

"What do you make of Umbridge," Y/N asks and Harry frowns

"She was at my hearing and voted to have me expelled," Harry says and Y/N looks just as mad

"I knew she would be a pain," Y/N says and Harry laughs

"You could say, an Umbitch," Harry says and Y/N bursts out laughing

"Umbitch, I like the sound of that," Y/N says and Harry smiles

As Y/N and Harry walk by the bunch of Gryffindor students they all stare at them expectantly and Y/N looks down at the paper in Dean's hands, it was the same picture their aunt had shown them at Grimmauld Place.

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