𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 (𝚙𝚝 𝟷) | miguel diaz

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(No, I didn't copy an episode this is based on the episode Kicks Get Chicks, but not really the episode. Reminder, this is the first imagine I ever made, so sorry if most of it was wrong and bad.)

(Y/N Pov)

"Eagle Fang karate...? Wow, and who are you again?" I ask.

"I'm Johnny Lawrence, this is Miguel Diaz." The guy replies. "We need female students for the 51st All Valley tournament."

I sigh a little looking back at the paper. "Why me though? All I'm doing is normal gymnastics... And you're asking me..."

"You're also badass." Johnny says. "I need that in my dojo."

I give a confused look to Miguel.

"He means dojo as in abandoned place on the street..." Miguel replies to my look.

"I'll think on it..." I say with a smile. "Aren't you the dude that beat the sh** out of those guys for bullying that girl? Uh.... Sam LaRusso, right?"

"Yeah," He says. "We're... Happily in a relationship now."

For a moment I could hear regret in his voice. Why would he regret a girl as a beautiful as that?

"Okay... Uh... I'm going to go..." I say. "I'll think about it Johnny..."

Johnny smiles as I turn around and walk. As soon as I get close to the door they start cheering like maniacs.

I was hoping that he was single. Of course, when it's someone who anyone would think is nice. There's always that one girl who snatches that guy right on the time. It works that way for objects too.

Suddenly, I get this feeling in my stomach. One that you feel when you missed your chance (I always get that feeling irl).

I run back to see both of them checking off names on a whiteboard so I decide to shout.


(Nobody's Pov)

"Wow," Johnny says. "Never knew you had that in you. That's good for an eagle... But you're seemingly being a Cobra..."

"I think she was doing just fine..." Miguel says, looking at you proudly.

"Thanks..." You say. Your cheeks were turning rose colors. The color nobody could explain. Miguel thought it was cute and he couldn't help but smile. Though he had a girlfriend, it was hard to not feel those feelings for someone who looked so beautiful.

-over the course of only two weeks-
*Imagine a montage of how much you've learned over the week*
(P.S- This would never happen in real life, unless you've been trained before)

"Now, you've learned alot, (Y/N)... " Johnny smiles. "Do you think you could beat those losers at Cobra Kai?"

"Yes sensei!" You shout.

"The only way to figure that out is to fight our bestest student... Miguel..." He begins. "But sadly, he suffered a serious problem some time ago."

"What was it?" You ask, curious.

"I can do it, Johnny." Miguel says, determination in his voice.

"Okay then, bow..." Johnny says. "Bow to each other... Fight..."

The other students watch you two with those brag noises when two lovers meet. "OoOoh..."

You guys circle each other for quite some time. You then get a punch to the face and he was able to get you down. He was about to punch you until you smile (because of ya' know... Robby and Tory in the montage basically the same thing). He smiles back realizing what he's doing.

"Mr and Mrs Diaz, don't get distracted..." Johnny shouts. "There's alot of time for that at night."

"I have a girlfriend..." Miguel says, he punches you which you block and (somehow) you are able to kick his face.

You suddenly get that guilty feeling in your stomach.

"Are you okay?" You ask.

He gets up and punches your face.

"Okay," Johnny says. "I want to talk to you and Miguel privately after class."

That's when you got the feeling in your stomach that you shouldn't have ever joined Eagle Fang...

(Sorry if it's cringy... Part 2 is in my drafts! Remember to vote if you want a part 2... I know you don't.)

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