chewing gum - miguel diaz

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(Miguel's Pov)

"There's this one girl in the class, (Y/N), she's so badass... The teacher had a problem with (Y/N) chewing her gum, and she said, 'So?'." Kyler says to his gang who was laughing spontaneously.

"You should hit on her." Brucks encourages, elbowing his friends arm.

I look over to (Y/N) scrolling through her phone, her eyes matching with the light. I would do what Johnny taught me, but last time that didn't work well.

"Strike first, pussy." Hawk whispers into my ear. "I can tell that you're really into her."

"But, last time-"

"That's the past, Miguel. Focus on now."

I breathe in deeply, "You're right, Hawk. Thanks."

(Y/N's Pov)

A boy with black hair walks up to me, clashing his hands together nervously. "Hey... Uh... (Y/N)." The Spanish boy says, smirking.

I just look at him and keep chewing my gum.

"Hey, nice shirt, Hispanic boy." I say. His eyes light up as if he actually was aiming his goal.

"You're really badass. You think you could join Eagle Fang?" He asks.

What the heck was Eagle Fang? It sounded like a kinda movie, like Iron Eagle. That movie is so good.

"Sit beside me..." I tell the boy, slapping the chair beside me, gently. He smiles.

(Miguel's Pov)

"What is Eagle Fang? Is it an Iron Eagle spinoff or something? Is it a really cool dojo I heard about it, the fact that I heard about it in the track team. People said it was garbage and poor.-" (Y/N) states.

"It-It's not any of those things. I can let you meet my Sensei." I tell her. "He'll love you."


-awhile later-

"Students, meet (Y/N) (L/N). She will be our new student." Johnny announces. After that, to see what (Y/N) was made of he made all of the boys take a kick to the balls.

She was successful.

After class she took me somewhere, to a place I had never been.

"So... What's this place, (Y/N). It looks cool, to be honest, just kinda creepy." I say.

She gives me beer. Chewing gum flavored. She takes out the gum in her mouth and puts it on the ground.


"To love." (Y/N) says.




I won't reply if you give me one, but I can give you a 90% chance I'll do it.

So Byyyyyyyyyyyyye!!!

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