after rain, comes a rainbow... i guess - xolo maridueña

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Since when did my life end up this way? I had just broken up with my boyfriend. Now I'm on the ground crying. It's so hard for me to breathe. Tears are falling into my palms. Why did he break up with me?

As I get home still a little depressed, I get in the shower and cry. The warm water falls all over my hair. I'm crying so much that I can't tell if it's my tears or if it's the shower.

-the next day-

I get to the coffee shop. Maybe if I don't cry I won't feel anymore. I order some iced coffee. The caramel kind. Some blonde haired boy ordered the same thing as me. I sit at the table checking my phone. That same guy was looking at me from the table beside me. Is he a killer? If my life ends today then the Lord should know that I give my life to you.

"Hey, I'm Xo-" The guy starts but then a girl in a Starbucks uniform calls my order number.

"Order 17675" The girl calls holding up my drink.

"Thank you." I pay for it but then the guy is right in front of me when I turn. I make a shrieking sound. Everyone turns at us but then just looks away like, "whatever"

"You scared me!" I say.

"Oh, sorry." He says. "I'm Xolo, you are?"

How elegant

"I'm (Y/N)..." I say softly. He's like as old as me. Or maybe older by 2 years.

"Hmm, nice name..." Xolo replies. He looked like some guy who would be in a motorcycle commercial. The ones where those hot guys ride around inviting those girls on.

"Order 663525" The same girl says.

"Oh, that's my order..." Xolo breathes.

He gets his order and his hair somehow falls perfectly. I'm not in love... I keep repeating to myself. He sits right in front of me at the same table. He's some guy alright. "So where were we?" He asks.

"I'm not sure..." I say taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh yeah. I was getting to know you. How could I forget with those such beautiful eyes." He says.

My head felt a little bit light. At this point I didn't know what to say. He smelt of cigarettes. "Do you smoke?" I accidentally ask. Damn it (Y/N)! Keep yourself together.

"I don't... I'm 18..." He says. "I do ride motorcycles."

"Nice. I just got out of a break up and I think I should head home. Don't you think?" I say getting up and grabbing my phone and jacket, holding the drink in the other hand.

"Wait, did I do anything to upset you?" Xolo asks. Why in the heck is he so nice?

"No, Xolo you didn't..." I say. "I just really want to get home."

"Can I at least get your number?" He asks. He gets up.

"No, it's fine, I just really need to be home." I say. He frowns and sits back down.

I really felt bad for leaving him alone. I just wasn't ready to like someone else.

I get home. I was kinda crying because I didn't want to like him. It all was happening too fast. He started calling me pretty and stuff. It just didn't help and of things get worse this Jace guy followed me home. Now he's on my doorstep ringing my doorbell. I hide in my room. I take my knife. Hoping maybe if I die he'll leave. Lord, I'm ready for you. My hands shake as I put it near my chest. I decide not to. Maybe this guy will leave if I scare him. My hands tremble walking towards the door. I open it.

I throw the knife at him and completely miss. "GO AWAY YOU WEIRDO!!!" I scream

He looks at go out the door and onto the street. "What's wrong?" He asks, coming into my house. He was lucky my parents weren't home. But I was in bad luck.

"Did I say you could come in?" I ask.
He holds up both of his hands defense and steps back. "Look, I just wanted to get to know you"

"Oh sure, then your gonna betray me, sure go ahead."

"Just please, I know I just met you but please... Give me a chance?"

"I just broke up Xolo!"

"Then let's just be friends..." He smiles holding my hands in his.

I take my off his. He frowns. I turn around. He was acting like he knew me for years. "Fine, now leave. Get out of my sight."

"Can we arrange a time for us to meet?"

"6 pm. If you're not here by 6 pm then you're getting ghosted for life."

I knew I was being mean but I didn't want to fall in love. If I pretend I hate him maybe it will be the same in my mind.

"Okay." He gets out the door. "What's your number?"

"We'll see when you're ready for it." I say, slamming the door.

-6 pm-

I go near the door. 6:01. I'll give him a chance. At 6:15 he's finally here. He looks up and down at me.

"You look amazing (Y/N)..." Xolo says. I roll my eyes.

"Let's just get in the car." I say, stubbornly. "I hope you realize you're 16 minutes late. Solo"

"It's Show-low."

"I know, I was being disrespectful." I mock.

"Why do you hate me?" He asks. As he starts driving.

"You're trying to get with me and I broke with someone. How would you react if someone did that to you?"

"I dunno... Never happened..." He says. His eyes were straight on the road.

After 12 minutes we were at the place we were gonna hang. More like a date. I get out the car.

As we get in I smell that nice... Amazing... Gourmet food.

We rush to a table. The waitress gives us the menu's then leaves telling us she'll give us time to think.

"I'm going to order the spaghetti." Xolo smiles

"Me too." I say.

The waitress comes back. Wow, perfect timing. "Okay... Your food?" The waiter points to Xolo.

"Spaghetti... She's getting the same." He winks.


We get our spaghetti after awhile of talking. I eat it very fast. Avoiding the sight of Xolo's face.

"Woah, slow down." He chuckles. I ignore it and slow down.

After that he takes me to go stargazing. After, I didn't feel the same.

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