"friends" | xolo maridueña

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autumnisthebottom thank you for this wonderful idea that I would've never thought of. I'm working on ur other imagine btw.


The crowd cheered as Xolo entered the room waving and smiling to various people.

"Hi, there." Xolo smiled to Jimmy Fallon.

"Does it feel weird to be here for the first time?" Jimmy asked Xolo who was about to sit down.

"Yeah, I was just at my friend's house and she drove me here. It's crazy to think that I'm actually here." Xolo replied, taking a seat.

"Now, you said that this friend of yours is a girl." He asked, as Xolo began to blush. "There are rumors that you and (Y/N) are dating. They're just based off of the photos you two post."

He thinks as for what he would say next. How he would calmly break it down. "I-I... It's not like that. We're really close friends and we talked about it."

"I understand," replied Jimmy, neatly stacking his cards. "would she ever get a part in Cobra Kai?"

"I will say that she has been a background actor in Cobra Kai many times. I would be happy to work with her if I had the chance. She's beautiful, amazing and words that are beyond anything." Xolo tells Jimmy.

"Now, we have a special guest with us here today." Jimmy says, looking behind the velvet curtains that reached the ceiling.

Xolo smiles. "It's (Y/N) isn't it?"

(Y/N) smiled lightly at her friend who blushed cheek to cheek.

"Hey, Xolo..." She smiles sitting beside him.

"Now (Y/N) has told me that she had a crush on you since grade 4, was it?" Jimmy turns his gaze to the girl nodding her head.

"I like you, and I feel like it's about time we become more than friends." (Y/N) mutters into her hands.

Xolo smiles hesitantly, he makes up his mind and out come the words. "Me too."

They kiss as the crowd goes wild.

"Okay guys that was the interview with Xolo and (Y/N) and our matchmaking show." Jimmy says over the screams.

Little did they know that this would be harder than they thought with all the world and even fangirls knowing.


OMG YOU GUYS THANKS FOR 18k views im crying. Help. Omg thanks guys ❤️❤️❤️

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