sadie - miguel diaz

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(Y/N's Pov)

Today, I was as tired as hell. I took 10 of my hours giving birth to a little girl. Miguel told me that Carmen and my dad, Johnny, would be coming over to see me and, of course, the baby.

"What should I name her?" I ask Miguel, as I rock the baby. He grabs a chair.

"I was thinking... We should ask Johnny." He says.

I laugh, but he doesn't laugh along so I stop. "Oh. You weren't joking, we're asking my dad."

Miguel sighs a little bit. "Look, I knew you'd react this way... But listen to me... Johnny's my 'step-dad' and he's your real dad. Let's turn to him for advice, kay?"

I cross my arms and look at the wall, but since when was Johnny's advice helpful? Miguel ended up almost paralyzed because of his advice. "Hmmph... Fine." I say. "But it's weird we're not married and we had a baby. Why isn't Carmen mad at us?"

"I dunno..."

Johnny comes in the room. "Hey (Y/N), where's that little badass?"

"Here... Be careful." I tell my dad, giving him the baby.

"Where's Carmen?" Miguel asks.

Johnny sighs. "She didn't come."

A frown appears on Miguel's face.

"She's outside, what do you think?" Johnny says, pointing outside. Miguel leaves.

"Miguel wants you to name her..." I smile. "Anything but a boy name."

He thinks, looking at the baby. "Can it be bada-"

"Yes, Dad. It can be badass..." I cut him off, rolling my eyes.

"She looks like a Sadie or a Jin- no... Just a Sadie..." Johnny says. I honestly think that it was a good name for her.

"Wow... Did you think about that on the spot?" I ask him.

"No, I searched it all up on the Google." He smiles. "I did ever since the ultrasound."

I love how Johnny still doesn't know that he doesn't need to say "the Google" like he says "the Facebook".

I shake my head, chuckling.

"Sadie is a beautiful girl..." He smiles. "When will I train her?"

"I don't want your karate to mess up Sadie's brain, but I'm thinking age 4. Huh? She'll be a small you. A girl you." I say.

"You and Miguel must've had a fun time making her, huh?" Johnny teases, looking down at her, sleeping. "All the one-on-one fighting-"


"What? I'm just saying what I know you're thi-"

Carmen comes in the room. "Oh...! Your baby is beautiful..." She cries. "What's her name?"

"Me and Johnny decided Sadie..." I say.

"That's a beautiful name for my granddaughter..." Carmen says. "Did you or..."

"Johnny decided it..." I say. "Ya' know Miguel... I don't regret asking him."

Miguel puts his hands in his pockets. "Well... I told you..."

"I love Sadie..." I say. Who knew a little girl would be the thing keeping me up all night.


On a totally unrelated note; why in No Mercy, when Miguel says, "Like that move? Learned it from your dad."


Tell me your opinion... Because I was like feeling all hot inside and I had that stomach feeling. It's the way he said it.

Why did I put (Y/N's Pov) if I wasn't even going to change the pov? 🤣

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