best friends sister, (y/n) - jamie reyes

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(Y/N's Pov)

Today, I was going to meet my brothers friend. I wanted to look pretty, from head to toe.

I didn't know who he was, but I don't expect alot

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I didn't know who he was, but I don't expect alot. Considering, my brother is a brat. So he would also probably be friends with a brat.

Hey, don't blame me. I'm just making some really plausible predictions.

My brother storms to my room as if a giant was chasing him. He was wanting to make sure again. He had been asking me this since I was invited, "Are you really sure you aren't doing this to get a boyfriend? I'm just-"

I roll my eyes as he goes on, "Yes..." I groan, putting on my eyeliner.

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure,
(Y/N)." He leaves the room. Probably dialing the guy that I was going to meet.

(Jamie's Pov)

I adjust my tie in the mirror. "Okay, okay... I can do this... It's not like I'm going on a date with her." I talk to myself, walking back and forth between the mirror.

I had seen pictures of (Y/N) on her brothers Instagram. To be honest, she's kinda hot. Ever since I saw that photo of her sticking her tongue out at Disneyland, I had developed feelings for her. I just loved the way the sun hit her eyes.

She was pretty and no one could pass up.

I breathe in and out. Telling myself, "You're fine, Jamie. You're Blue Beetle. Blue Beetle saves everyone. So save yourself."

It's kinda stupid, but it's all I have.

-awhile later-

As (Y/N) and her brother approach me, I to keep calm.

"Hi..." (Y/N) waves.

I smile to her. I didn't show my teeth because what if there's something stuck in my teeth? She would think I'm weird.

(Y/N's Pov)

He was kinda hot. My brother looked back and forth at us and knew something was going on.

"Guys!" My brother snaps. "Stop!"

I take my eyes off Jamie's, right away. When my brother snaps, you know what happens next.

"You just meet and now you two are eye-banging each other." My brother shouts. "It better sound gross because it is!"

Jamie jumps in front of him, keeping him from walking away, "Look, my man, Ted..."

"Not my name." My brother replies to him, instantly. He walks away.

"I-I'm sorry, Jamie... My brother is always like this. I think he just doesn't want to lose his friend..." I say, a crack in my voice.

Dang it! Why does my voice have to crack when I try to stay calm. It just ruins everything!

"It's okay." Jamie says, hugging me. "I... I get it... I'd probably react the same way."

(Jamie's Pov)

As I pull (Y/N) in for a hug she breaks down. Gasping lightly.

"Let it all out..." I say, patting her back lightly, as light as her gasping.

She opens free from my arms. I was lucky, my arms were tired. Mascara covers her cheeks.

"Thank... Thank... You... Ja..." She stops as we both lean in for a kiss.

Her lips touch mine and we kiss. I can't remember how long, but probably as long as a song like American Pie.

I push her to a tree. We were going to have a picnic, but why not here? My arms were wrapped around her waist. It was weird. We had just met.

"Are you serious?" A voice says.

We pull each other apart, to both see a familiar face.

"I knew that this was going to happen in an alternate universe."


Jamie Reyes imagine, pt.1

Requests: !opened!

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