sleepover - xolo maridueña

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!! Cringe alert !!

Yes, I am working on y'alls story continuation.


(Y/N's Pov)

I'm not the type of person who goes crazy for someone after seeing them the first time

It feels like you're the reason that I'm alive

And if you weren't here.

I would have no one to wipe my tears

For me.

You make life easy.

And even if you don't know who I am.

If it weren't for you I wouldn't be dreaming you'd take my hand.

And kiss me.

It's hard for me to remind myself you're just another celebrity.

"Okay, I think that's enough writing for today." I say, closing my laptop. My friends were sleeping over, they dared me to write a poem for my celebrity crush, Xolo.

"Oh my gosh..." Lila says, quietly crying. "That's a beautiful poem... I just don't know what to say..."

"No, no, no... Don't ruin your makeup...! I can't redo that..." I tell Lila.

"Can't you write just a tiny, tiny bit more?" My friend, Christen asks, showing with her fingers how tiny she wants it to be.

"Look. In no way will I ever send this to my celebrity crush." I say, kinda lying. I was on a romantic side. Even though I'm currently trying to remind myself, there could be a million girls out there sending him poems too. "Besides he may be too busy with Cobra Kai to even read it."

"DM him on Instagram." Lila dares.

"I'm only doing this because it's a dare..." I say, taking out my phone. "What is his IG account again?"

"xolo_maridueña" Christen replies, darkly.


Hey Xolo...


As dots appear on the screen me, Christen, and Lila gasp.

The dots disappear.

"Well sorry guys, Xolo will never text me." I smile.



My friends gasp for no exact reason until they point at my phone.

"He replied...!" They mouth, whispering a bit.

(Xolo's Pov)

I see three dots appear on the screen as Jacob shakes his head.

"Girls always do this to celebrities..." Jacob says, rolling his eyes a bit.

The girl:

sry, this is a dare from my friends...


oh, no... It's fine... ☺️.

The girl:

r u busy... this weeknd?

with CK...?


r we going on a date? 😅

The girl:

Depends on where u live.


Three dots on the screen disappear. Which probably means that she left Instagram.

(Y/N's Pov)

"Oh shoot, my battery died. Sorry guys. Shucks... I was looking forward to texting Xolo." I say. "I am such a bad friend."

I only turned off my phone or at least turned off the screen, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't believe.

"Aww..." Lila says. "I'll get you a charger."

"No!" I scream. They stare at me like I'm crazy.

"Just cuz..." I say. "Sleepovers aren't about ya' know... Texting celebrities?"

-awhile later-


hey... xolo...


Hey (Y/N)

It was fun tricking your bff's that you've never met me.


I made u a poem 💕




I'm not the type of person who goes crazy for someone after seeing them the first time

It feels like you're the reason that I'm alive

And if you weren't here.

I would have no one to wipe my tears

For me.

You make life easy.

And even if you don't know who I am.

If it weren't for you I wouldn't be dreaming you'd take my hand.

And kiss me.

It's hard for me to remind myself you're just another celebrity.

I'm not finished it :)


Nice. That was a dare, right?

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