𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 (𝚙𝚝 𝟸) | miguel diaz

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"Oh... You scared me... Miguel... Because of the knocking on the door. I thought it was my dad..." I say, shivering in the cold outside without a jacket. Raindrops fall down.

"Sorry... (Y/N)..." Miguel says. He looks up at his umbrella and shares it with me.

"Thanks..." I say, smiling. I just couldn't help it. He smiles back at me.

"So why do you want to talk to me outside?" Miguel asks. "Alone?"

I freak out when he says "alone" and I start thinking things that I obviously shouldn't.

"I... Uh... Uhm..." I look into his eyes and get lost in them and I don't say a thing. I couldn't talk. My throat was paralyzed.

"Are you okay...? (Y/N)?" He asks.

I snap myself back into reality again. Not in Miguel's deep eyes.

"Oh...! Uh sorry... I just got distracted..." I say

"By what?" He asks

"Something behind you..." I lie.

"What...?" He asks, again, which starts to make me mad.

"Just nevermind..." I say trying to convey the conversation to what I was going to tell him. "You see... My mom... Is getting abused by my dad... I think I'm next... Can I like... Stay at your house?"

"Oh... (Y/N)... That must be hard. My mom needs to be okay with that, not me." He says.

"You can't tell your mom." I say. "What if she says no?"

We get back to his apartment house thing. I accidentally slip into his arms.

"Maybe... We shouldn't tell her..." Miguel says in a quiet voice. He looks into my eyes.

"Yeah..." I say.

We lean close to each other at the point that our mouths are breathing into each others.


"Hey Miguel?" asks someone Miguel probably knows. He had blonde hair and looked way older than me or Miguel. He looks at me and then Miguel. "No way dude. You're kissing a chick."

"What? No! We weren't kissing!" We both claim.

"We were having a conversation." Miguel says. "And then she slipped on me."

"Yeah." I say. Honestly, kissing in the rain with Miguel wouldn't be as bad as I think it would be.

"Me and Miguel should probably talk inside. It's wet out here. And it's kinda raining."

"Yeah I see that, idiot." says the man. "I'm not dumb..."

I just open the door into Miguel's part of the apartment and he follows me. With the man not being able to tell Miguel whatever he was about to say.


Kinda short.

Trust me, pt 3 will be longer. Byyyyyye.

𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗺𝗼𝘂𝗿 ━━ 𝐗.𝐌 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬  Where stories live. Discover now