"𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚊𝚕" 𝚌𝚊𝚛 𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎 | xolo maridueña

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Hey guys I'm back again, I'm writing this on my iPad and as you know Apple does not have autocorrect so please forgive my spelling mistakes as my phone is charging.


jk why would i do that to you guys? I mean unless you guys want that just tell me if you do, I love writing murder and shit. I wouldn't mind writing it. I just can't write smut I'm sorry, I would love to write smut but you know me, maybe on april 1st 

(Y'all see where this is going 💀)

Okay I'm done writing this and I've realized that I've written smut ☠️


"You ready, (Y/N)?" Xolo asks me from downstairs.

"Yeah, babe!" I shout.

I go down the stairs and and his eyes are on me. His mouth was wide open in awe as I spin around, "You like it?"

"Uh-Uhm yeah, (Y/N)" He says continuing to look me up and down as I blush looking forward to our "road trip" 

I unlock the door and Xolo is a gentleman, as always, and lets me go first. He shaved his beard for me, but I swear that beard makes him 70% hotter. (You guys hate when he shaves his beard 😭) 

He unlocks the car door as he invites me in. 

"Xolo, where are we going?" I ask him as he gets in the car. 

"To watch the sunset, mi amour" Xolo smiles at me. Butterflies surround my lungs, he has never called me mi amour.

I stay quiet.

(Xolo's pov)

The way (Y/N) looked in that dress made me bite my lip. We weren't letting dirty minded stuff get into our heads but as I drove I couldn't stop undressing her up and down.

(Y/N) obviously could tell I was drooling when she looked at me. "You okay?"

"Ye-Yeah." I say looking back at the road. I didn't know what could happen tonight. Neither did she.

The song "Sweater Weather" was stuck in my head for awhile.

"So uhm, you've been quiet." I start conversation.

"Ye-Yeah, I just don't know what to say so I might as well stay quiet." (Y/N) responds.

"You know I love it when you're loud, mi amour." I tell her, she could tell what was going on in my brain.

"Stop the car." She says, biting her lip. I stop the car at the sunlight and we start making out. Her soft moans near my ear. She got onto my lap and leans onto the steering wheel, and luckily the car was off.

She dug her hands into my hair messing it all up and I liked that.

"Oh babe, oh my gosh." She says as I take down her dress. I lean the car seat down and flip her over so that I'm on top.

I kiss her neck and she moans. "Mmm babe."

"Are you sure you want us to do this?" I ask her out of breath.

"Oh yeah." She responds, breathing heavily. "I want this."

So she undresses me and the night goes by fast and we fall asleep beside each other in the car.

She couldn't walk in the morning which had made her parents concerned when she got home.

So she said that we "exercised" last night.



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