baseball - victor graham

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(Xolo kinda looks gross

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(Xolo kinda looks gross... When he was little...)

Okay. So uhh... I haven't watched Parenthood before. My mom has watched it. So I did SOME research on Victor Graham


Victor has been my friend for a long time. He usually doesn't have any friends so I'm probably his only friend.

"So how's your new family?" I ask as he throws the baseball to me.

We both like to play baseball.

"I like them, but I don't know... It's a rocky relationship." He says.

I swing the baseball bat as the ball comes to me.

"How's it going with your mom, you know... Now that she knows that you're a tomboy who wears denim jumpsuits with red shirts and hats?"

"Shut up, Victor." I drop the baseball that I hold and hit him with the bat.

"Oww...! Okay, okay..." He says.

"Good." I say.


We lie in the grass. Looking at the clouds and I toss the baseball in the air.

"What do you think happens to people when they die?" Victor asks.

"Some people go to heaven and some go to hell." I say.

"Really?" He asks.

"How the heck don't you know that?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He asks, getting up.

"Victor, sweetie! Come back inside with (Y/N). You're parents are here!"

"Okay, Julia!" Victor shouts.

I look at him weirdly. "You call your mom by her first name?"

"Hey. It's all part of baseball..."


Tell me if you want more of these, Victor ones. I have some ideas for some.

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