kissing scene - xolo maridueña

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(Y/N's Pov)

I was casted yesterday as Lynnova Toguchi. Apparently, I'm Chozen's adopted daughter.

Pretty cool, right?

I look through the script. My best friend, Xolo, recommended me.

"So what does it say?" Xolo asks, walking beside me to me car.

"Chozen's adopted daughter for season 5, pretty cool, huh?" I answer, still flipping through the script. Suddenly I find something eye-catching.

Lynnova kisses Miguel, before leaving into the car.

"Okay, that's enough reading for today." I chuckle nervously, hoping he didn't read it.

"Why? Is something wrong?" He asks, sounding more nervous then I was.

I shake my head, "What? No... Nothing's wrong, besides you have" -- I gulp -- "your script, I have mine."

He asks why I'm so nervous. I don't reply. I wasn't ready to ruin our friendship. How is it friendship if you've already kissed someone.

I stare at the road, I was already driving home, re-thinking that conversation, over and over again.

"Look, (Y/N)... You're fine... Everything is fine..." I close my eyes as I drive. Then my car slams into a another car.

Everything blacks out. Everything hurts.

-later that night-

(Xolo's Pov)

I read through the script, wondering why she freaked out so much. I then get a call from (Y/N)'s parents.

"Yeah?" I ask, putting the phone against my cheek.

I heard sniffs and sobbing in the background. "Xolo, we need you here..." (Y/N)'s mom says, sobbing uncontrollably.

I get into my car, put in the keys and the radio automatically turns on.

"This afternoon a girl got into a car accident. Luckily, the doctors were there to save her. We don't have any words on whether she's dead or alive." The radio speaker says.

As I drove. I started to wonder, why were her parents at the hospital? Was she the girl on the radio?

Nah, she would never do that.

She never replied to my texts, though. I thought she was busy.

I finally get there and get to the room. I see her mom and dad on the chairs, crying.

My eyes water up. What happened?



I should probably start making a Jamie Reyes one? Huh. I'm working on it, trust me.

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