meeting xolo's parents - xolo maridueña

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He's met her parents, what happens if she meets his?

(Yes, these are his parents real name)

(Y/N's Pov)

I stand at the door and check my breathing. Xolo had already met my parents, so it was my turn to meet his. The problem was, that his parents wanted him to like someone who had a bright future and was hoping it would be someone successful. I'm just a plain 17 year old girl who works at Starbucks for a living.

Xolo opens the door. "Hey, (Y/N)." He pulls me in for a hug. As I get pulled in for a hug, his sister, Oshún slides her finger across her neck. Imitating a knife.

I sigh and push myself out of the hug, pretending like that never happened.

Oshún comes next to Xolo. "Xolo, remember when you said a while ago that you were going to ba-"

Xolo slaps her an Oscar worthy slap, as if the slap came from Will Smith to Chris Rock. "Oshún, I told you to not tell anyone about that." He replies through his gritted teeth.


"Your family is comedic." I whisper to him. He sighs, "I know right... Up the stairs we go!"

He carries me bridal style carries me up the stairs. We bump into his dad, Omar.

His eyes grow wide, "Oh hi, dad. Just holding a girl." The dad raises his eyebrows. "I'm practicing for Cobra Kai... We're heading to my room. Meet (Y/N)."

"Okay, hi (Y/N). See you at dinner." He says to me, I smile and wave.

He then storms up the room while holding me. He had enough power to do that. In his room, he places me on the bed. He goes on the other side and lays down, to stare at the ceiling.

"So mi amour, would you like to know what's for dinner?" He asks.

"The sky is beautiful today..." I tell Xolo, in a calm voice. "I love the view from your house to the sky. It's so pretty."

We stare at each other for a bit and then get so close to kissing, until...

"Dinner!" His mom, Carmelita shouts at the stairs.

"We... Uh... Better go." I smile.

As we go down the stairs, we see his parents and his sister already sitting at the table.

"So, (Y/N) do you have a job?" His mom asks.

"I work at Starbucks." I say.

"That's not successful." Xolo's dad blurts.

"Dad." Xolo says through his gritted teeth.

"I want a successful girl, not some girl who can barely pay her rent, or I'm sorry. Don't you live with your parents?" Xolo's dad blows out.

I start sniffing and go upstairs to the bathroom. I cry.

(Xolo's Pov)

"Dad! What are you doing? You made her cry. I already ruined when I met her parents, but you guys just messed up to a girl, who is beautiful." I say. I shake my head and go upstairs to find (Y/N).

"(Y/N)...?" The bathroom door was opened. "I'm sorry about the whole thing my dad was doing. He was probably nervous."

I kiss her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Oh Xolo..." She says.

Suddenly, Oshún stares at us in the hallway, I forgot to lock the door. She was amazed. Her mouth was hanging open.

She smiles.

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