suprise - xolo maridueña

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Today, I'm going to suprise Xolo. I was in Canada for a week because that's where we were shooting "Today & Tomorrow" with Jace Norman and I haven't seen Xolo in a long time and I think Xolo misses me.

"Hey, Tanner?" I ask walking up to him. "Have you seen Xolo? I've been looking for him and I was going to-"

"(Y/N)! I haven't seen you in a long time!" Tanner shouts, hugging me.

"Yeah, okay. Where's Xolo though?" I ask Tanner. He can greet me later.

"I think he went home."

My smile turns quickly to a frown. "Well, that's great."

"What's wrong."

I start to tear up. Yeah, it was that time of the month. I can't help my tears. "I was going to suprise Xolo!!!" I sob. "Now it's ruined!"

I start crying into Tanner's arms.

"Oh no, no... (Y/N)... You'll be okay. You can go to his house."

"But it's ruined...!" I cry.

He pats my head in an uncomfortable way, but I've never hugged anyone but Xolo, so I don't blame Tanner for not hugging me properly.

"Okay... Just go to his house, suprise him." He smiles.

I wipe the bottom of my eyes. "Yeah, yeah... You're right. I'll be fine." I smile. "I'll just go to his house and kick his

"Wait, no, no, no." Tanner says following me out the door outside.

I run to my car.

"Hey, baby..."

I jump, exclaiming.

"I heard that you're back so I decided to suprise you." Xolo says.

"What?" I say. "I was gonna suprise you. That's not fair."

"So, you want me to leave?" I ask.

"No! Please don't leave." I say.

His lips crash against mine.





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