"road trip!" - xolo maridueña

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Bro, is it just me or is the Xolo fandom really dead right now? Vote to support Xolo and make the fandom go high. Nah, I'm joking.

SM*T??? I'm 12, don't push your luck.

But... If you give me a request for one, maybe... Just MAYBE I will write one. Just cuz y'all keep bugging me. Anyway, enjoy this beautiful story.



(Y/N's Pov)

"Road trip, road trip!" Me and Xolo chant. We were filming for Cobra Kai, for the new season, for Johnny and Julie Pierce's wedding. (Am I the only one theorizing this?)

Mary joins us in the chanting, and Peyton, and Jacob and the rest of the cast. We chanted it in the bus that we were all going to sleep in.

As Mary and Peyton watched their TikToks, me and Xolo invited me to meet the cast. I was going to be the girl who knew karate. Terry Silvers cousin.

It's a hate relationship at first with Miguel and me, Kassie. Then they start falling slowly.

"Okay, so what is your favorite show?" He asks.

"(favorite show insert)." I reply. "Okay... What kinda girls do you like?"

He becomes quiet. "That... That's a bit quick based on meeting you... Uhhhhm..."

"We're the only ones in this bus room, don't be shy..." I giggle. He blushes.

"I just want someone who loves me for who I am." Xolo says.

"Me too." I smile.

(Xolo's Pov)

Before I know I know it, me and (Y/N) are kissing. And it gets even worse, Tanner walks in.

"Uhhh... Guys?" Tanner asks.

(Y/N) takes her lips off mine. "Yes?"

"We're you t-two... Kissing?"

"What? No... Of course not..." We say in unison.

What a road trip we had when Tanner went out and (Y/N) locked the door.


There. Running out of ideas, need requests nooooooowwwwwww!!!!

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