𝚓𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 (𝚙𝚝 𝟹) | xolo maridueña

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ᴵᵗ'ˢ ᵃˡˡ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵃ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐ... Hopefully

!! Warning: If you are scared easily and have PTSI or PTSD (Whatever they call it now) don't read this story. There are mentions of blood and death. I mean... It's not mild but still. Be careful! !!

(Y/N's Pov)

"I finally have you where I want you... (L/N)" Isabela says. "Ya' know... I've never met you before but I know from Jace that you're nice. Too nice."

"I don't know what you mean." I say.

She laughs. "I sneaked into his house and guess what I found... A script. It even said your name and phone number. So I kidnapped Jace."

"Why are you acting like this?" I ask. Knowing would distract her from killing me. "Why do you hate me so much when you barely know anything of me?"

"Why should I know everything? Huh? You're stealing my man, ruining my life... It's all because of you. And with all of that I know EVERYTHING."

Suddenly as I back away I feel myself touching the wall. This was it. Isabela has officially cornered me.

(Jace's Pov)

Since I was strong enough to get myself out of these chains, I might be able to get myself out of this small room.

And I kick the door, kick the door.

It's still not opening.

I let my body slide down the door as I let out a groan. She was the one that broke up with me.

"How am I going to get out?!" I ask the wall. I knew it wasn't going to talk to me, but I've been here so long that I think I'm going delusional.

The room was dark with only a peak of light running through it. The light was the sun. But it was night. So how was there sun?

"Wait..." I say. "How...?"

Does that mean that was just a vent to some kind of room with as light that could lead me out of this place?

Luckily, when I touched the wall, the wall was like those rock climbing walls. I was going to be able to save (Y/N).

Or at least I hope that Isabela didn't kill her yet.

I climb up and punch the vent. I was in Isabela's room.

All pink and girly. Yuck. I look through her room to find her diary. Maybe she had information about her life that I don't know about. Or maybe she doesn't have one. I punch her window and it breaks.

"Oh man... This is gonna hurt... Shoot..." I say looking down two stories high. If you're wondering why I didn't check the door, I did. And it's locked.

"Whooooo... Okay... I can do it... Okay..."

This is going to hurt.

(Y/N's Pov)

Isabela hits my head on the wall and my head starts bleeding. I kick her stomach.

She punches one of my eyes which makes one of them blind.

I cry. I punch her as she steps back and let's out a big cry. Her face all is bloody. I didn't know what to do but I had to keep her away.

I kick her and she accidentally falls down the window. Blood spreads around her. I just killed someone. I was going to go to jail.

"Oops..." I say. "Xolo! Xolo! Are you okay?"

I start crying as my eyes close.

What happened to Jace? Was he okay?

All of this was my fault. I cry into Xolo's chest, hoping he's not dead.

Somebody kicks the door open.

"I'm sorry police! Don't get meee...!" I sob.

"What? I'm not the police." Jace says. "I'm Jace."

"I can't see anything." I cry.

"Yeah I see... Both your eyes are closed..." Jace says. "What happened in here?"

"Isabela hurt me and punched my eyes." I say.

"You'll be fine..." Jace says.

I couldn't see but I felt something kissing me. Was it Jace? Eww...

Suddenly, I wake up. Was this all a dream? I take the blanket off of me. My eyes grow big.

Why was I in a hospital bed?


Well... That's it for the Jace Norman series. I mean unless you want more I guess I could do some more.


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