the first and last time i'll ever see you again - miguel diaz

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(Miguel's Pov)

"Well, good news to you, it's just a pulled muscle." The girl says. She looked a bit too young, but maybe that's just how she looked.

Johnny, Carmen and Yaya chorus their praises.

"It kinda might ache a little..." She adds.

"So does that mean that I can keep fighting?" I ask her, hoping she'll let me back into the tournament.

"In my bed..." She mumbles. I might've heard it wrong, but it sounded like that.

"And aren't you a little too young to be a nurse?" Johnny adds to my question after she answers.

She sighs. "My mom is sick. I'm taking over for her. I have a degree."

"How old are you?" I ask.

"18." She replies. "My mom trains me, trust me, I know these things."

I could tell that she was into me. I can't say anything because Carmen and Yaya are here, but if I get her alone, I dunno.

After awhile pep talk, Carmen, Johnny, and Yaya leave. I turn to the girl.

"So what's your name?" I ask her.

"(Y/N)... Why? What's yours?" She asks me. "I need to do some 'tests' on your leg..."

She pushes my head back.

"Wait, wh- oh, and now you're sitting on me." I say. This was definitely not a test. "So this is what we'll be doing for my 30 minutes, huh?"

(Y/N) nods. "Yeah..."

"You know I have a girlfriend." I smile.

She sucks in her breath, "Well, she won't be happy if she sees this."

"Okay, well... What if my parents come in?" I ask her. "What will we be doing about all of this? To know my nurse is on top of me. How old are you actually anyway?"

"I'm 17..." She giggles flirtatiously.

I shouldn't like this but I did anyway. I know, I know, I know that this is a sin, but Samantha has done this to me, and I have done it to her.

(Y/N's Pov)

After all the kissing and making out, he practices his kicks. Just so that it didn't seem like we were being sus.

Johnny walks in. "Here, rub some of this on." Johnny throws him a cream. "We have to hurry."

"Sensei... I-I don't know if I can do this..." Miguel tells him.

"Yes, you can." Johnny says. "You can do whatever you want if you want it bad enough."

I raise my eyebrow. "You hear th-"

"QUIET!" Miguel shouts at me.

"Can I just tell you something...? I saw you out there, Miguel... You've really got the heart of a champion... And a good kisser-"

"Shhhhhhhhhhh!" Miguel quiets me.

"Wait, what'd she just say?" Johnny asks. I roll my eyes.

"Just nevermind. We're probably never going to see her again so just leave her as she is." Miguel says.

Johnny starts talking to him about showing LaRusso and Cobra Kai who's better.

"That's what this is about." Miguel mumbles.

"Hey." Johnny says, moving closer as if he were to lean in for a kiss. He talks about boring stuff that I wasn't listening to because I just stared at Miguel the whole time.

He watches as Johnny leaves.

"Want me to rub that on for you?" I ask him.

"No. I-I just... I don't know if I should go." He says.

"Miguel. I've only known you for 35 or more minutes... I'm not gonna see you again. Ever." I say. "You don't need to go, but you should kiss that girlfriend as long as you want."

"Her name is Sam." He says.

"Samma, Yamma." I say. "I don't care about her name. But leave. You only have one life. Use it carefully."

He nods and leaves. I was sad I was never going to see him again.


It was hard to look at Miguel after writing this.

I kinda squinted my eyes everytime I saw him because, I'm not very used to writing sm*t.

Wouldn't I just love to run my fingers through his hair.

I'm only 12, okay, I'm sorry if it's not really dirty. I'm not into writing stories like this (I actually keep a bag of stories like this up in my room. 🤣) and it's out of my comfort zone.

It's not anything bad like "ya' know". So that's good. It's suggestive, but not really.


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