sk8ter girl - miguel diaz

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(Nobody's pov)

Miguel was always fond of skateboards. The way that people would ride it like it was easy when really it take almost several solid months to learn how to totally know all the basics of a skateboard. Obviously, karate wasn't enough for the bullied boy. Or at least was bullied.

"Ya' know..." Hawk says. "You should try skateboarding. It'll really get some hot babes."

Miguel would look at Hawk in confusion. Simply talking about it was already harder than learning the tornado kick.

Miguel gets on a skateboard. Hoping he won't fall down.

"No, no, no. Dude. Your position is all wrong." (Y/N) says from behind him.

Miguel turns around and loses his balance on the skateboard that he almost falls down.

(Y/N) catches him before he falls down.

"Are you okay?" She asks him.

"Oh..." Miguel says.

Miguel was not familiar with the girl. He hadn't heard of her or seen her once.

They stare into each others eyes for a moment until (Y/N) breaks it.

"Sorry." She says glancing out of Miguel's deep brown eyes.

"I-it's okay... Uh... Maybe I should get going." Miguel says he gets up.

"No! Wait!" (Y/N) shouts.

"I really should get going." Miguel says holding up his skateboard which, by the way, he was going to burn later. He takes his skateboard remembering his failed attempt at it. He didn't want to see that girl again. He was trying to move on from Sam and did not want to fall in love again.

(Y/N's Pov)

I guess I failed. I failed on him. I failed on myself. I failed everything. Maybe it's my looks.

I do agree, I look utterly disgusting.

I feel like everyone hates me. Nothing good will happen.

(Miguel's pov)
-The next day-


kay, I'm going to try again. Hopefully she isn't there and she won't come back.

I stand on the skateboard. This will be a failed attempt at everything. Suddenly, I see Robby Keene.

"Oh sh**..." I whisper.

I get, CAREFULLY, off the skateboard and get to the ground again. I rush out of the place, but I bump into that girl. Her hat rushes away because of the wind and she just let's it.

"You look really beautiful without the hat." I smile from cheek to cheek.

"Whatever." She says going away and holding tightly onto her skateboard.

I let her go for a minute to think things through. "Wait! Wait!" I shout.

"What do you want from me?!" She cries turning around.

"I'm just... Just... Sorry."

"Well I don't even know your name. Don't you think it's creepy if someone walked up to you and told you, you look beautiful without a hat?"

She turns around and goes away to the skating park.

I never got to know her name.


So, I'm back in writing, again.

Should there be a part 2?

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