𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 | xolo maridueña

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It's not about you and Xolo being parents. That comes a long way from what kinda stories that I'm making. It's a good idea though. Man...

There's a reason I never take the time to put "babe" or "baby" into the words.


(Y/N's Pov)

"Mom! Mom!" I shout. "Xolo's coming today and we need to look good."

She looks at me from inside the door. "I'm doing everything I can, (Y/N)..."

Mom was fine with it. Dad was not. Dad didn't even like the thought me dating. Which I think is every dad in the universe. The problem was that dad wasn't going to move from the couch and he was going to "talk" to Xolo.

I don't know what he meant but I just hope it doesn't end up with him injured.

Xolo said he was going to act nonchalant about the whole thing while I was going to play the cute part of the couple where I was nervous and rushing to make everything perfect for him. Maybe right now he's rushing himself to find the perfect clothes.

(Xolo's Pov)

"What should I wear?" I ask myself looking into a dirty, messed up, bad closet. I'm that part of the couple that's chill. If I hadn't proved that point to
(Y/N) then I'd be physically nervous, but we had bet and I am not going to show my nervousness to (Y/N)'s parents. I can be nervous, I just can't show it. Like acting. Then it comes to me.

I remembered that I was allowed to keep that suit from that episode. Party Time.


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So I wore it because I wanted to make a good impression. You know where that can get you.

(Y/N's Pov)

"Hey... Xolo..." I say, calling him. "When are you going to be here?"

"Around 7 pm." He says, nonchalantly.

I look at the time. "Well... It's 6:30! Xolo...
You better be here by seven and I swear... I will tear you apart."

"Sounds hot... If that's what we're doing while your parents discuss me then I will hurry up..." Xolo says and ends the call. I roll my eyes.

I sit in the living room where my dad is and watch what he's watching.

"So..." I say. He doesn't turn to me and continues to look through the channels looking for a good show to watch. "Dad..." I say again. "Dad!" I shout.

He looks at me and sighs. "What?"

"My boyfriend is coming and I want you to be nice. If you don't stop whining and lounging on the couch then I don't know if I'll ever come out of my room again." I shout. "You got that? Dad?"

"Yup." He says and continues to be a couch potato.

After awhile of scrolling through Tik Tok. I hear the doorbell ring.

"Xolo!" I smile, running towards the door. I open it to see the one and only Xolo.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He hugs me tight. "Hey Mr. (L/N)...!"

"Yeah..." My dad says.

"Just ignore my dad, Xolo. Do you wanna go to my room?!" I ask.

"S-su-" I pull his arm upstairs before he even replies. "Woah!"

I take him to my room and ask for his thoughts as we wait for dinner to be served.

"So... This is my room...!" I smile.

"Usually, in movies, when two people date... The girls parents don't always let their boyfriends in because of the... Ya' know..." He winks at me.

"Eww... We would never...!" I playfully pretend to be grossed out.

"Well... Mi amour... I'm always free to doing private business with you." He says. He's never called me "mi amour" before. I don't know where that came from either.

"Oh stop." I giggle.

He laughs too a little bit. Then my mom calls us down for dinner.

My dad sits down. Staring straight at Xolo, watching his every move.

"Code Red... Remember the bet...!" I whisper to him.

"Yeah..." He says. "So...!"

"I hear a lot about you from (Y/N)..." says my mom.

"Yeah!" Xolo says. "I'd be kinda concerned if she didn't talk about me."

"What is that supposed to mean?" My dad asks.

"Oh... It didn't mean anything... Dad. He was joking." I tell my dad. Why is dad like this? Why is he butchering my boyfriend.

"You know honey... You're free to sit in the living room if you want to ruin this dinner." My mom gives an open invitation to my dad.

So he walks away.

We eat and talk for awhile.

"Okay... Well I'm full..." Xolo smiles.

"Can I bring Xolo to my room?" I ask my mom as if I were asking for a puppy.

"I trust you guys..." My mom says.

Xolo laughs and then under his breath he says, "Oh... She will..."

So I grabbed his wrist and dragged him upstairs into my room.

"So... What do you wanna talk about...?" I ask him.

"I dunno..." He says, locking the door behind us, slamming it shut.

"Why did you lock the do-"

"(Y/N)... Can we just do it here...?" He asks.

"What do you mean by 'do it here'?" I ask Xolo.

"Just for the tiniest bit of time as long as your parents don't see it..." He says.

"I really don't get-"

He smashes his lips onto mine. Which hits my head onto the bed and he was basically towering over me.

Is this what a "heated make-out" was?

I hope he locked the door right because my parents would freak seeing us doing this.

"Xolo... Why are you kissing me?"

"Just shhhhh... Don't let your parents see us..." He says smiling. Then we get back to the precious make-out.

"(Y/N)!" My mom shouts.

Xolo takes his mouth off mine.

"Hmm?-" I ask.

"Get out of here Xolo!" My mom shouts and calls him not very nice words.

My eyes were teary as he went out the house.

My dad came upstairs to see why my mom was shouting at me.

"I knew it!" My dad shouts. "I knew it this whole time (your mom's name). I knew he was a bad man."

"No! You guys just don't get it!" I cry. "I love him and you just took him away!"

"It was for your good. In the 80's, there were no boys harassing girls."

"Well this isn't the 80's mom!" I shout. "It's 2022!!!"

I cry and lock the door. All of this was my fault. I should have never set him up to meet my parents.

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