newspapers (pt. 1) - miguel diaz

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(This takes place, somewhere around the end of season 3 and at the beginning at season 4 like, before...)

Newspapers at my front door. They always had a love letter that made my day. I never really knew who it was from because it always said, "Secret admirer" at the end.

I also didn't have an idea.

But this letter is different. It revealed a bit more about the person when it says,

I always go to a karate dojo

I still didn't know one person who took karate. It didn't really tell me which dojo which kind of confuses me even more. This was the last one he sent me.

Ever since that school fight, he stopped. Which kind of got me worried. The school fight was kinda a long time ago.

As I get to school, I see a dojo. The wind blows my scarf and hair to the side. Which kind of blocks my view so I have to fight my hair.

"Cobra Kai..." I whisper out loud.

"Yeah, what about it?" asks a mysterious guy with a red mohawk.

Boys crowd around the guy making this worse. Yeah, this pretty much sums up my life.

I hold the secret admirer note hard. Scared of a fight.

"Oh... Uh... I was just checking it out... I uh... Might join... Ya' know..." I smile, chuckling nervously.

"Well, princess... If you want to join then, mark my words: Stop being a pussy." The guy says with the mohawk. Then he jumps close and I flinch. The boys behind him follow him outside.

Except this one guy stays.

"Hey, I'm sorry about them... They kinda took Sensei Kreese's teachings to the heart." The nice guy says. "By the way, I'm Robby... Nice scarf..."

"Yeah...-" I say, trying to continue the conversation but then he leaves.

Okay, so Robby, is on this list of guys that may be the people that send me those notes.

Huh. He may just be the guy.

I carry on going to school. I put on my headphones and listen to some music. Some rock, a little pop, a little 80's.

I love that music.

I walk (and dance a bit) on my way to school.

I finally get to West (or East) Valley High. I get inside but I get so distracted by the music that I forget that there's people around and I get lost in the music, I just stand in the middle of the doorway, staring at everyone. Some guy bumps into me as he talks to a girl. My headphones fall onto the ground.

"Oh sh**...!" says the guy. "Maybe next time you should watch your steps."

"Why did you do that?! My headphones broke!" I shout.

The girl with blonde hair stops him, "C'mon Kyler... Just leave her alone..."

"Don't worry Tory I was just getting started!" He comes up to me about to punch me in the face.

"Hey Kyler." says another guy.

Why is everyone after me?

"Leave her alone."

"Wow Rhea! You about to bust karate on me before the tournament?"

"Leave. Her. Alone." The guy snarls.

"Okay fine. Bi***." The guy who I'm guessing is Kyler says. He walks away with the girl shouting very rude words.

I walk up to him. "Hey... Uh... Thanks for sticking up for me... I mean... All you did was say a few words..." I say, putting out my hand for him to shake

"It's fine. I'm Miguel." He smiles, shaking my hand.

A small smile stretches across my face too. "I'm (Y/N)..."

His eyes grow strangely wide. "Oh...! Well, hey... (Y/N)."

Our eyes linger on each others for awhile. Then a girl with ginger colored blonde hair comes up.

"Hey..." She pauses to wait for my name.

"(Y/N)." I reply, chuckling nervously.

"(Y/N)..." She says, also chuckling.

The girl takes Miguel with her where in the world they were going.

Miguel: ?

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.


Please don't make fun of me

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Please don't make fun of me...

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