dares - victor graham

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Some things never change

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Some things never change. Not a fan of Victor Graham. But. Yeah... Whatever...

(Y/N's Pov)

Me and Victor were playing "truth or dare" at our sleepover. I am a girl, he is boy, but so what? It's not like we'll sleep in the same bed. Julia said it was because I was too old to be sleeping in the same bed as Victor.

Victor just said, "Pfft, too old." Like he wanted me to. I didn't say anything. I was only here because my parents were busy.

So here Victor and I are, playing "truth or dare".

"Okay... Uhm... Truth!" Victor says.

"Is it true that you actually like your parents?" I ask. His eyebrows scrunch together.

"Platonically or romantically?" He asks. I can see where he got messed up a bit about it.

"Platonically..." I say, grabbing my stuffed animal lion, holding it tightly against my chest.

"Sure." He answers, but he looked around, as if to see if his parents were hiding in the room. "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you not to fall in love with me if I kiss you." He says, smiling.

"What?" I ask. He just smiles. "I'm fine with the dare. Kiss me."

So he does.

"Wow..." I say. "That-that was...-"

He stops me. "Not a word..." He cuts me off, replying.

I gotta say, this was the highlight of my day. I was trying not to fall in love like I promised.

I broke the dare before I even got dared it.



𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗺𝗼𝘂𝗿 ━━ 𝐗.𝐌 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬  Where stories live. Discover now