excuse me, um, i love you - xolo maridueña

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"MOOOOOOM!!!" I scream, coming into the living room. "LOOK WHAT I FOUND ON THE PHONE."

My mom snatches my phone from my hands.

"Meet'n'greet Xolo Maridueña..." My mom reads. "And the rest of the Cobra Kai cast..."

"Can I go?" I ask, hoping not to be let down.

"Hmm..." My mom thinks. "Let's just say, if you don't fail your upcoming math test, then maybe... Maybe I will let you go and meet the Cobra Kai cast."

"It's not just the cast mom. It's Xolo!" I shout.

"Okay, calm down, (Y/N), I get you have a big celebrity crush, but the price is high. 30.99 to meet a cast. Seriously, we're debt right now. Just do good on the math test and maybe I will let you go to meet him." My mom replies.

Disappointment fades onto my face.


"Unbelievable." My friend, Emma says, slamming her locker after putting on lip gloss. "They're saying nobody's going to pass that test."

"I know. I just wanted to meet Xolo..." I whisper.

"It's like the biggest math test. It's 50% of your grade! So if you don't pass that test, you might not even move to grade 11." Emma adds, which makes me feel worse.

I bite my nails furiously. I know I study really hard, but I'm anxious. What if I don't pass?

"Hey... (Y/N)... Don't do that..." Emma says. "I have faith in you..."

"I don't have faith on myself though." I say. "You're dad is like, rich... I can't even afford a car."

"We're an average family, (Y/N). We always donate to your family."

Suddenly, that gives me an idea. "Emma, you're a genius!"

"Wait, what?"

"Just lend me some of your money and I'll be able to go. Please Emma."

"I... I just... Ugh... Fine." Emma sighs. "Just please. Let this be the last batch."

She gives me the $31 dollars that I need for the meet'n'greet.

"Thanks Emma!" I thank her. "I can't wait to go this Thursday!"

"Will you pay me back?" She asks me.

"Maybe," I say. "When I marry Xolo and I have enough money to pay you back, then I will."

"You can't just say that Xolo will marry you." Emma says.

"So Harry Styles will marry you, but Xolo won't marry me?" I ask, finding this not fair. Even though she told me that during math, I still replied to her during lunch.

"Okay, okay, so maybe I'm over-reacting... But we all know me and Harry Styles are soulmates."



I run to the living room. "MOOOOOOM!!!" I scream. "I asked Emma for some money so I could meet Xolo... And she gave me some!"

I start bursting into tears because I was so happy.

"(Y/N)... Was she okay with that?" My mom asks.

"Yeah... Of course...!" I say.

My mom puts down her stitching kit. "For now, you can buy whatever you want with the money. I will drive you there until you pass the math test."

"But the test is hard and... And... I won't be able to...-"

"Listen to me. You have to pass."

Later that night I went to sleep. I was in my dreams and vivid colors bounced around me, floating around in the air.

Suddenly, a familiar face fades in. "Hey, (Y/N)"

My eyes grow wide in excitement. "You-You're Xolo Maridueña! That guy from Cobra Kai!"

He steps close and grabs my waist, the vivid colors disappear. It then turns into us on a rollercoaster.

"What is happening?!" I scream as the ride goes down. My hair floats in the air.

Then it becomes dark and Xolo whispers into my ear, "(Y/N), (Y/N),

My mom was standing above me at home on the couch, repeating my name. "(Y/N)!" She shouts. "(Y/N)!"

I open my eyes. "You know what mom, nevermind that meet'n'greet. I'll just not... Go..."

I needed to breath. I was scared. I had a weird dream and I didn't think I could go to school or go to the meet'n'greet.

I just sat there staring at the wall, scared.

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