after school - miguel diaz

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(Y/N's Pov)

As I slam my locker door and turn around, I see Miguel staring at me from behind me.

"You ready to study at your house?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I say, clutching my textbooks tighter.

We walk to my house, which wasn't that far away. He kept peeking at me; which I could see at the corner of my eyes.

As I get home I unlock the door, my mom says hi to Miguel and we proceed going up the stairs.

"So um... What do you want to study first for the final exam?" I ask him, putting my bag on the ground.

He sighs, "Maybe science." He shrugs.

We quiz each other.

(Miguel's Pov)

I had to sleepover because I was there too late. She fell asleep on my shoulder. As I was studying, I fell asleep too.

"Wake up..." I tell her.

She wakes up, "Oh shoot, I'm sorry I fell asleep, Miguel."

"It's okay," I tell her.

We go to school and after we kiss.


As u can see, I'm running out of ideas, and I NEED requests. Please.

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