your normal high school love story - miguel diaz

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Requested by: minimariduena

Please go check out her books, she is so amazing and she is an amazing writer! When I got her request, I was freaking out!


(Y/N's Pov)

I stare at Miguel from across the cafeteria. "You should go talk to him,
(Y/N)..." My friend, Summer, encourages me. She was the only friend I had. Since I was too shy to make any others.

"I can't..." I whisper. "I'm too shy..."

Summer gets up, "Then I'm going to tell him."

I pull her down to her chair with a big clatter. She raises her eyebrows and I begin my staring again, as if he were a guy I found in the yearbook. I watch him as he talks to guy with the mohawk. They were laughing at something that was on his phone. If I weren't as shy, I would go up to him and say hi.

But I was scared. What if he had a girlfriend? What if he didn't like the way I looked? What if he thought I was weird? I'm pretty sure anyone would think that.

I think that myself, of course, since I have only one friend. I'm pretty sure people don't talk to me because I'm closed off by my hair. Blocking out anyone who talks to me.

The bell rings for the next class and so I grab my books and head to music class. I head out the door and accidentally bump into someone.

I look up to see Miguel Diaz.

"Oh sorry" He says. "I didn't see you there."

"I-it's... Okay..." I whisper. I then have the urge to run away as fast as I can. If only I had the same power in gym class.

The gym teacher usually lets me stay in the corner and (whatever you like to do). Then after class he gives me a private, shortened lesson of what the rest of the class learns.

( 👆 I actually do this at school. I'm very shy in real life. And actually don't have any friends. But I'm only 12, so what can you do?)

I run into the music room, breathing heavily. Everyone was already there and staring at me. I rush to the piano.

"Okay class... (Y/N)... We were learning All of Me by John Legend. Did you practice last night?" Mrs. Schmidt asks me.

I nod. I only practiced 2 minutes. I hope I got everything down.

"Okay class, then let us get started." She starts waving her hands in the air as a signal to start playing.

I position my hands, and press down on the keys.


My heart starts racing as I see Miguel outside the door. I really hope I don't mess up. He glances at me through the door.

I mess up.

"Miguel!" I shout. Hiding under the piano, covering my ears.

Mrs. Schmidt looks at me with confusion. Her eyebrows raised with fury. "(Y/N)...? Are you okay?"

I kept shaking. Scared Miguel might see me. I wasn't afraid of Miguel, I was scared of what he will think of me.

(Miguel's Pov)

"So, who do you like this year?" Hawk asked, a smile forming on his lips. I just wanted to focus on algebra.

I shrug, "(Y/N)...?"

Yes, I know. The most shy girl in school, you're probably like, Miguel c'mon really?

But I just like how shy she is. I even bumped into her this lunch. She ran away. Though I don't know why.

"(Y/N)? What happened to the old Miguel? If so, where did you put him. Cuz I will drive there to find him." Hawk says.

"So what? I'm not you. I can like whoever I want."

"Whatever, I thought you were into good looking babes..." Hawk says. "Not (Y/N)."

I roll my eyes and get back to my work. I was processing, X + Y = ?

I think for awhile. The angles were all different. So I write, 17

But end up writing, (Y/N)

"Dang it..." I whisper to myself, erasing her name from my paper, hoping Hawk didn't see it. I look at Hawk and see him leaning towards his paper.

I sigh in relief.

The bell then rings for next class and a brunette girl joins me as I walk out the door.

"Hey, you're Miguel, right?" The girl asks. I nod. "I'm Summer..."

(Y/N's Pov)

I glance everywhere. Hoping not to see Miguel, if I saw Miguel, I would be frightened.

I don't want to be frightened and as soon as I calm down guy who is basically Miguel comes up to me, slamming my locker door.

"Hey... (Y-(Y/N)..." He says a bit shyly. "Your friend, Summer, I think is her name. She told me that you like me and you were just to shy to tell me so I'm here to tell you... I wanna date."

"Ca-can I have a moment?" I ask Miguel. My shyness had worn off. I open my locker door and stuff my face in it and scream.

(Miguel's Pov)

"Are you okay?" I ask her. Putting my hand on her shoulder. She takes her face out of her locker.

"Yeah..." (Y/N) says, her face was all red.

And so it was. We had a first date and ended up sleeping in my car because we stayed up too late, watching some movies in the car. We cuddled and ended up late for school.

"I see you guys are wearing the same thing as yesterday. Ooooh... How was your date?" Summer asks.

"It's our first date. How would that work?" (Y/N) answers.

"All I can say is that it was amazing." I say, trying to get Summer and (Y/N) to stop trash talking each other.

(Y/N) smiles at me as Summer raises her eyebrows.

"Are you sure y'all didn't do nothing bad?" Summer asks.


Yeah... So that's the end.

Probably the longest imagine ever. 😂😂😂

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