9.The Void

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Grian walked out of the lecture hall after yet another hard day of learning Language. He would guess that he had been here a few weeks now and it seemed to him like all that he ever did was try to learn Language. He still missed his friends and he still did not care to become a Watcher. He was starting to get used to it here, although he still would go back in a heartbeat if he only could.

What had happened to Miesall? He had wondered that often since the last time he had seen the curly-haired male. It was almost as if he had vanished. Every now and then, he found himself signing his name. One day, Symus -- the Watcher that had caught Grian after the snooping he did that one day-- confronted Grian.

"You keep calling for him," The Watcher said, no longer writing on the whiteboard. He turned around slowly, looking at Grian. "Why?" He asked.

Grian sat up in seat a bit more, feeling a bit more uncomfortable than usual even though there was nothing threatening in the creature's tone. He played with his hands a bit to keep them busy. He must have called Miesall without realizing it. "I'm... not sure," he admitted honestly. Maybe it was because Miesall had been just a bit kinder to him than the others, still being the only one to directly use his real name. A thought had begun to creep in the back of his mind that maybe, maybe he had just read too much into it. It could be that the more that he called for the Watcher, the more it annoyed him and thus he was now actively avoiding Grian.

"You should stop." Symus scolded. Had he read Grian's mind and was now agreeing with it?

"But, where is Miesall? What is he doing? I just want to know..." The human tried yet again. He had lost count of the amount of times he asked the various Watchers that had taught him. Some of the Watchers changed the subject while the rest simply ignored him entirely. Their reactions had only made him more curious and worried. Was it that that they believed him to be too stupid to understand or were they deliberately hiding something from him? The last time he had seen Miesall was back at the Sanctum. It was the only place he had not looked for the creature, but he knew that mustn't look there. He wasn't still there, certainly... right?

The human let out a sigh. He knew that he should let the whole situation go, but he just could not shake the subject for whatever reason. His curiosities had gotten the best of him again, it would seem. 


In the Sanctum stood two entities often referred to as the Great Ones. Hidden beneath the robes of one -- the male-- laid a pit, equally as vast and endless as the Sanctum itself. In this pit, known as The Void, time stood frozen. Those unfortunate enough to be dropped into it would find themselves falling infinitely. Their bodies would never fully decay; never truly age. Death was not possible in that place. Those lucky enough to find themselves in a state of sleep would only feel themselves slowly losing their sanity, horrors filling their dreams. Those who were awake would feel their bodies be ripped at the very seams; each and every joint, ligament, bone and tissue their bodies had being actively destroyed without the relief of death to succeed it. Every creature that would descend into it -- even the Watchers and Listeners themselves-- could not see nor hear; there would be not even the slightest distraction from the pain. They could not even hear their own shrieks.

The Great One bent down and lifted his robe ever so slightly, opening the passage from The Void. Out crawled Miesall, sweat trickling down his brow as purple tears silently rolled down his cheeks. Every bone in his body had been smashed and he was covered head to toe in his purple, magical blood. He reached his arm out, silently asking for his body to be restored, but not actually speaking with his hands or other means.

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