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Xelqua found himself in front of the doors to the Sanctum. The common area was empty with exception to the large obsidian statues towering over him. He didn't know why he had been called, but something about it made him feel nervous. Maybe it was because it was the first time he had gone in alone. He hoped that was the only reason why he needed to be nervous.

The large doors let out a loud creak as they began to open themselves up for him. He didn't wait for them to open fully, slipping inside as soon as he could. The doors promptly shut themselves once more, barring him inside.

"Xelqua," The Great One said as soon as the door clicked shut. He was stern as always. "Do you know why we have called you here?"

Somehow, Xelqua always seemed to forget just how large they were every single time he went here. "N..no..." he managed to sign, his fingers fumbling.

"We saw what you did at the flying lesson with Miesall earlier." The other Great One explained, though this didn't help Xel any. He tried to search through his memories, trying to think of something significant that he had done. Or... were they complimenting him for the flying that he had done? Did they do that?

"Did you see me flying? Is that what you're referring to?" He asked, somehow managing to keep his voice from faltering this time.

"Well, we did see that, yes." She replied. "But it is what you did afterwards that made us send for you."

He tried to think harder. All that he had done was chat with Miesall for a bit before he was dismissed. Something about being a good flyer and... oh.

Xel let out a gasp as he realized why he was here. He said that he knew that he was going to better than Miesall. He meant it as a joke, or perhaps as an exaggeration, but they must have taken it as a lie. He felt himself go about as pale as the 'walls' of the Sanctum.

"Now you understand the error of your ways," The Great Seer said, his tone a bit gentler now.

"I— I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to...!" Xel blurted out.

The Great Lady let out a sigh, creating a gust of wind so strong that it nearly knocked the little Watcher right over. "We understand that." She assured, her hands as gentle as ever. "But it was still wrong of you."

"You are still deserving of punishment." The other one said, his hands meeting together like a clap of thunder. Xel heard himself let out a squeak as he held his wings as close as he could to his body and shrunk in his place. 

The Great One opened his robe just a bit, revealing The Void once more. It was as black as he remembered it being, but this time he could have sworn he heard screams and monsters creeping within it. It was already playing tricks on him, it seemed.

"It is such a pity." The Great Lady shook her head, though Xel did not gaze upon her face. "It wasn't too long ago that you learned a lesson. Now you must learn another." A large tear fell from her eye, making a large splash when it hit the 'floor.' It was all Xelqua could do to dodge it, barely missing it.

"Xelqua, it is time to begin your punishment."

When Azubius had spoken on behalf of the Great Ones to send Xelqua inside the holy place, Miesall wasn't sure what to make of it. Sometimes, his creators wished to speak of important things. Sometimes, they gave punishments. Sometimes, they just wanted to check in with their creations and see what they had been up to. The last was preferred by Miesall by far; it was always pleasant to talk to the Great Ones about his discoveries and wishful ambitions, though perusing such was nearly impossible.

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