45. Change

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Change hung in the air, a delicious sent of excitement and anticipation. Even among the Watchers, the atmosphere had shifted, each creature looking like a child on Christmas morning. And why wouldn't they be?

This was not the first time Xel had gone through this with the Watchers, but everything was just as exciting and surprising as if it was. As soon as Xelqua had seen the news signed by Azubius, he dashed to his chambers. He was quick to don on his ceremonial robes just like everyone else was doing. The usually quiet and serene temple was now bustling with activity: Watchers preparing various ceremonies and rituals while others created plans for the various worlds they looked over.

In his arms he carried a large box of incense while he followed Juden, who carried supplies with her magic.

"Why don't you just levitate that like me?" She asked. "That has to be heavy, right?"

The former human stayed quiet as he considered this. Why was it that he carried it anyway? He studied the box with his moving eyes. "I guess I just like the feeling of the weight. It makes this feel more... I don't know. Real, I guess." He replied, shrugging. The other Watcher only hummed. Xel and Miesall were certainly strange cases, but it displeased the Great Ones to comment on this fact.

The two soon entered the common area. "All right. Now we are going to hang the incense you brought all throughout the temple. We must ensure there is enough to last until change comes." With that, she took the incense holders she had brought and flew up into the air. She placed them high on the walls, each one equally spaced. The silver stood out against the wall, and yet it complimented it at the same time. 

Xel nodded silently as he began to fly in the air. He followed Juden, placing a handful of the scented sticks in each one. After placing it into each holder, Xel used his magic to light the tips on fire. He slowly trailed behind Juden throughout the temple, working as a team to douse the entire place in lovely scents.

As they worked, Xel observed the other Watchers, watching their contributions to the event. Many had grouped up much like he and Juden had.

Physolia and Daisus were going about the temple, creating decorations made of obsidian. Xel wasn't sure how they did it, but somehow they brought out the shining purples of the obsidian, in some cases almost making them look like jewels. The chandelier that they made looked especially stunning. The light reflected on it just right so that beams of light shot across all over the room.

Symus and Miesall had formed a pair as well. The younger one held a long scroll, so long that it scrapped against the floor. He held a pen, jotting down names and objects only to be crossed out later. Symus, meanwhile, was creating objects from thin air at the direction of the other. They didn't really have anywhere to store these material possessions, and so they stuffed them in a bunch of chests and called it good for now.

Xiomara worked with Zoltalia. He stood over a large sheet of paper. He had turned it into some sort of blueprint, a maze of sorts. They both threw ideas back and forth with each other, perfecting the blueprint.

Two other Watchers stood in what looked to be a sea of paper. The two were known to be the some of the best riddlers of all the Watchers, and so, they focused on their riddling as they always did. 

One, working alone, sat cross legged in their room. They silently scoured the worlds, finding the coordinates they needed. From there, they would write it down. It would be sent along the way to another at various intervals.

Some other Watchers worked on stabilizing what would be the force of change. It was the most important task of all, and only handed to the wisest and most experienced people. One miscalculation from them would be truly catastrophic. Xel did not understand what they did or how, but he knew better than to bother them.  

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