46. Cat

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Xel paced back and forth in his room now, trying to work out his plan in his mind. To get a living creature, you have to capture it and tame it. Yet, how could he capture anything while still being in the Downside Up?

He thought about his magic lessons with Miesall. He had been taught about the many different ways to apply magic, but the magic he could do on his own wasn't all that great. He was still just a student, even though his lessons had been put off for some time now.

He knew that Watchers could manipulate the Overworld. He had known that, even when he was a human. That was how the Watchers could send messages, gifts and pranks. That was also how they could bestow punishments and extract fate-breakers from their worlds. That was the kind of magic he would need to use, but he had very minimal skill in it. In fact, the only time he had extracted anything was just before these ceremonies began. He helped another Watcher bring a fate breaker into the meeting room and trap them in the holding chamber.

They had broken their fate to start what the Great Ones referred to a "unprecedented homosexual revolution." From what Xel understood, the man had started becoming a leader for gay rights, when he was supposed to be a quiet farmer boy who suppressed his feelings. Terrible as it was, a homophobic culture was fated, unfortunately. He never liked voting weather or not someone should be put into the Void indefinitely for their actions, but that case was especially sad.

Xel shook his head. He had gotten lost in his thoughts. He brought his attention to his fingers, staring at them. He called his magic and it responded immediately. His fingers tingled as they began to glow purple. Sure, he could do magic, but could he really pull this off?

Maybe Miesall was right. Maybe he should just give him a regular gift, like a ball or something. He turned his attention to Ryan's room of toys. It was a huge room, at least thirty blocks in each direction. Yet, it was filled to the brim with every kind of toy imaginable. In many places, the toys reached all the way to the high ceiling. There were some chests with toys to help keep the room clean, but they were thrown haphazardly around and gifts spilled out the sides of them. If there was any toy Ryan didn't have, all he had to do was ask. 

Needless to say, he didn't need another toy. The same could be said of sweets, although he did not have an entire room dedicated to that. The one thing the boy could not ask for and might actually want was a friend. Having thought that through, he was more determined than ever to get the boy a kitten.

He turned and swiftly headed out his door. He opened up his wings and flew over the meeting room, the best place to summon a creature. From there, he began scouring the worlds, looking for the perfect kitten. 

It didn't take long to find one. It was young, but it was clear that it was old enough to be away from it's mother. It's fur was grey with stripes, although it's abdomen and legs were a pure white. It's eyes were green, just like the boy. 

He rubbed his hands together as he began summoning his magic. It would be difficult if not impossible to do this alone, and so he had to focus all the energy he had. If he was getting Ryan a kitten, it had to be now, seeing as there were many other things he could be doing.

He felt magic course through his bloodstream as he sent each and every one of his eyes to look at the little thing. It, of course, didn't notice him and kept on playing with a stick. It wrestled with the inanimate object with his paws and bit down on the top of it. 

He tried to visualize himself there, trying to project his body. He leaned over and tried to gently grab the air in his hands. He imagined that the kitten was really there with him, and that he was scooping it up in his cupped hands. He tried to feel the soft fur of the kitten, hear how it squeaked as it realized it was leaving the ground, and feel it dig its claws into his skin.

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