20.Legends and Prophecies

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"How did you arrive in this place? Only those who are invited are allowed inside the Sanctum of Seers."

"That is how I got here. You ask me this every time."

"And so it begins once again."

"Allow me to expedite this conversation: How dare you!"

"What is enraging you at the moment, your Highness?"

"You know exactly what I'm referring to! You threw my Champion in The Void!"

"Indeed, Evo is now deserted."

"To do such a thing without even consulting me! I hate you both!"

"We are preserving his body. Even bastards have fairly short lifespans. If we did not, he would age and his life may flicker out before we would need him."

"So you admit that we need him."

"Our champion will be fine on his own. To ensure that yours meets his demise, however, would just be foolish."

"Your Champion has only been successful this far because of me. To synthesize a friendship between two people with next to nothing in common without being noticed has been no easy task."

"Yes, but surely the human has been easy to manipulate."

"To push against any single person's will is no easy task; even a human's."

"How is it that such a inferior creature has so much power over us all?"

"The First is naturally destructive. As such, his impulsiveness is appealing to It."

"Indeed, but what a cruel turn in fate for us to depend on the choice of a mere human!"

"Certainly, and even crueler that It draws nearer."

"What are you referring to?"

"The Entity is making Its way towards us as we speak. Did you not notice?"

"We cannot see it as it has no physical form. We were unaware that it made sound."

"Not in a physical sense, no. My tuned ears can hear It's thoughts, although it is far away. It is although all the creatures in the universe all screamed at once and that sound has since been contained by this Entity."

"How long do we have until it arrives?"

"At most? Half a millennium."

"And at least?"

"A single century."

"That is no time at all!"

"Indeed. We must ensure that our Champions are ready."

"We must also find as much information on the Destruction as we can."

"What says the future?"

"It is a test, and his alone. Everything is to be dyed red and black. It's voice will be overpowering, and the only ones who can sway him will be the Champions. He will either banish it or expand it."

"Nothing new then."

"What says the past?"

"There are many rumors and legends that may or may not be related. A engulfing evil is a regular theme in religion, after all. It could be that It has eaten countless higher entities such as ourselves, corrupting them from within. Of course, stories of old are sprinkled with lies and misunderstandings just as much as truth, so my answers will likely always be inconclusive."

"Has anyone ever stopped It in these legends?"

"Yes, in the name of faith, hope and love."

"Nonesenses, then."

"Is that not what you have created your Champion for?"

"To meet an ends, yes. Even if illogical, because it will save us all, we have made a nonsensical child."


"So this is where The First lies. When will he rise?"

"When he is able to withstand his new form."

"And that will be...?"

"Not too much longer."

"Understood. I will be on my leave now."

"We will be anticipating your next visit, though we know that you are never far as of late."

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