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It wasn't too long before Xelqua found himself back in his usual routine, sat at his desk staring at his teacher, who was pacing back and forth. The snowy-haired Watcher didn't usually do this, but Xel decided not to comment on it.

"Let me think... We have worked on your wings already. I have taught you all that you need to know about potion brewing. You have already studied a passage in the Book of Vision..." Miesall spoke to himself more than his student.

"I guess there's only one thing left to do!" Xel exclaimed, causing the pacing Watcher to stop in his tracks.

"And that would be?" He asked.

"Time for dismissal!

"No!" The teacher cried, throwing up his arms. Xel made an exaggerated pouty face, having known that it wouldn't work, but playing into the role regardless. Miesall ignored his antics, going back to pacing. "Have I taught you magic?"

The little one's eyes lit up now. "Not yet!" He beamed. "Are you going to teach me to do the weird glowy hand thing you always do?!"

Miesall resisted the urge to flutter his wings for the zillionth time since the lesson had begun. "It's not a 'weird glowy hand thing,' but yes." He held his palms up to the ceiling, feeling his magic course through his body. He channeled it to his hands, which quickly began to glow a bright purple, demonstrating the action to his student.

"Sure it is!" Xel pressed, mainly just to annoy the Watcher, "See? Your hands are all weird and glowing!" Miesall could no longer suppress the urge, fluttering his wings as he gave an annoyed sigh. The former human giggled in victory.

"Maybe I will not teach you magic after all if you are going to not take this seriously." The teacher said before turning away, the magic leaving his hands.

"Oh come on, I know that you're bluffing." The blonde crossed his arms, a knowing smile on his lips. The other stayed frozen in place, silence washing over the room. They stood there for some time. A drop of fear had been planted in his brain, quickly growing. "Y-you are bluffing, aren't you?"

Miesall smirked ever so slightly before he turned back around, the answer written all over his face. "Let us begin." He said, easing the former human's worries before his smirk faded. The former human, meanwhile, decided not to say anything in return in hopes to show Miesall he could be serious about something just this once. 

Calming himself down now, the teacher focused on his breathing. He concentrated on the feeling of magic within himself, looking at his hands as they glittered bright; brighter than usual even. The feeling has felt so natural to him, he only noticed it because he was intentionally focusing on it. "Raise your palms to the ceiling." He instructed, his voice barely a whisper and his hand barely moving to sign.

Xel followed his teacher's instructions silently, holding his hands just above the desk.

"Now... try to feel the magic."

"How do I do that?" Xel asked. He had felt it before, but it was a fleeting feeling he wasn't extremely familiar with. It had overwhelmed him in his slumber, but since then, it had almost disappeared, lying within himself undetected.

Miesall stopped to think. "What helps me is to... just breathe." He demonstrated, making exaggerated breaths. "Focus all of your eyes in a single spot to limit the sensory input." His entire body began to glow now, and it was becoming brighter with every passing second. "Feel the air entering and exiting your body, try to find the little bits of magic swirled in your lungs. Trace it into your bloodstream, then to your nerves, your bones and eventually to your entire body." By the time he had finished, he was shining so bright that he had become a white beacon with the edges of purple, illuminating the entire room. He had gathered so much magical energy as he spoke in order to lead his student, but he had no where to release it to.

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