6.Sanctum of Seers

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Everywhere he looked was nothing but the purest color of white, seemingly extending forever and ever. He could not tell where the floor ended and where the walls began. It appeared as though he was floating in midair. His mind couldn't comprehend it at all. All he saw was his floating self, a hovering Miesall and the Watcher from before, knelt down, face toward the invisible floor.

Neither him nor the two Watchers casted any shadow whatsoever. The Watcher's body was trembling and shaking, enough to tell Grian that he may have been crying. He couldn't quite see his hands, but he could tell that he was moving them, speaking. Grian looked back up at the endless void of light, not noticing his mouth was now agape. He turned, exploring the vast endlessness of the room. Was it truly infinite, or was it all an illusion?

Turning around fully now, he looked back to the door. To his surprise, the room seemed to go on beyond it; that the door was floating there along with everything else, in the very center of this non-room. On either side of the door, however, there was something. Gigantic white silk fabric cascaded down like waterfalls, acting as a curtain. Swirls of purple lined the curtain in a gorgeous and elegant array of color. Just how large were these curtains? His eyes started to climb them when all of a sudden, two hands covered his eyes from behind. He turned around, staring at the taller creature behind him and gave him a confused look. Miesall shook his head.

'No Grian,' He signed. He paused before continuing, as if Grian could understand the rest. 'These are the Great Ones. Do not gaze upon their faces.'

What could he mean? He was bothered by Grian's wandering eyes, that much he could figure out on his own. Then it clicked: the curtains were not curtains at all! They were robes! Robes that belonged to the Great Watchers, the very ones he would perish if he saw them with his own eyes. His face paled. Just how large were they?!

He gave Miesall a shaky nod, telling him that he understood. The Watcher's shoulders relaxed slightly before he turned away, looking out into the infinite space as he began to move his hands once more. Grian walked a few paces so he could see the creature's hands move, not that he could understand them. He would much rather stare at Miesall and try to figure out what he was saying, almost certainly to no avail, than to dwell on how powerful these Great Watchers must be.

'Your Greatnesses, I warned him against coming here. You saw me trying to stop him! Please forgive me...' The Watcher begged, his hands trembling as he tried to not shake in his place. To see not one but two Watchers -- revered for their solemn demeanor-- reduced to this trembling state was terrifying to say the least. Even though the human was completely lost on the context of their words, he too began to feel panic and worry well up inside of his chest.

A pair of hands, each at least four times the size the doors had been, presented themselves before the three little creatures. They were thick and just a little weathered; the hands of a male, most likely. They started to sign angrily. 'Miesall!' They screamed, if there was such a thing as screaming in silence. Grian recognized the letters as Miesall's name— they were angry at him! 'You knew not to tell him, but you did anyway. If you had not, he would not have insisted on being here in the first place. This is all your fault!'

One hand began to move, coming closer to the three of them. Grian felt himself stumble backwards, as if he could simply outrun it. He made a mistake. He should not be here. He tripped over nothing and fell as he continued to watch the hand come towards them. The thumb and pointer finger lowered themselves— they were going to grab them! Grian continued to shuffle backwards, whereas the Watchers cowered in fear. The fingers pinched Miesall's top left wing and lifted him up. He scrambled, desperately trying to break free as he started to sign wildly. He looked like an insect that had gotten caught by a cruel human, just wanting to see it squirm before its demise. Grian slowly stood back up as the two signed back and forth.

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