16.The Robe

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Grian sat alone for quite some time. Was it that they wanted him to marinate in the incense?

What was it with all these strange rituals, anyway? He didn't understand why he just had to sit there, shivering and alone, robes clinging to his skin in uncomfortable ways and water running down into his eyes. He didn't have to do any of this last time!

That was when Miesall pushed his way through the water, dressed in his finest attire. His hair turned from white to a shining silver, the top layer of his clothes a transparent white just like Grian's. As he walked nearer to Grian, he began to have a purple aura around his body and his silver hair returned to its usual white. His clothes regained their normal state and within seconds, none of him was damp with exception to maybe his feet, which walked among the puddled mess both he, Zoltalia and Grian had made collectively.

"Come," He said. "We must go to your chambers at once to complete the purification rituals."

Grian stood himself up. He opened his mouth to say something, but Miesall cut him off.

"You still cannot speak." He said. "If you do, some of the purification will be undone."

He still was not allowed to speak? How long was this going to go on for? Was he ever going to be able to speak once again? And why would speaking have anything to do with becoming unpurified? What was so bad about it?

The confusion must have been clear because Miesall's solemn expression turned to a sorrowful one. He looked as though he was going to say more, but he did not. He turned and walked out of the room, drenching himself once more, expecting Grian to do the same. Grian sighed before trailing behind. His body tensing up as he prepared to lose whatever warmth and dryness that he had managed to get back. He hesitated at the water door and then dashed through it.

It was even worse the second time! It felt as though he had just fallen into the arctic for just a moment. It was hard to believe that the water was water at all instead of a wall of solid ice. Water had so heavily hit him that he couldn't see, and he had to stop to wipe his eyes as he felt water once again pool at his feet.

Coming back to his other senses now, he realized that the water had been different. It was as if it had become a perfume, somehow absorbing the incense or something of the like. Was that a thing? His body had already smelled of roses, but now the scent was so strong, it was all that he could smell. Without a doubt, he could be smelled from a very far ways away.

"Let us go to your chambers." Miesall said, having been standing in the same spot for about thirty seconds now. He was dry now, and he stayed silent. He was seemingly studying all too pale human, who had been shivering and chattering for far too long. He started to lift his hand towards the smaller male, his fingers starting to glow purple like they did when he used his magic on the man. He hesitated, drawing his hand back. No, he could not dry Grian under any circumstances. He hesitated. His hands landed on his robe's drawstrings and started to undo them.

Grian couldn't help but gasp. Watchers never took off their clothes! Well, actually, humans never did either— not in a public setting like this, at least. What was he doing?! Miesall paused.

"Do not speak." Miesall reminded him, frowning. He then continued, quickly untying the strings and letting them slide out in between his fingers. Grian couldn't help but watch in both confusion, fascination and horror. Had the creature lot his wit?! He couldn't just undress! He held a hand out towards the other, making an alarmed "hmm?!" With his mouth closed as to made sure not to speak.

"It is alright, just trust me." Miesall muttered, almost sounding annoyed. He opened his robe up and took it off. His under robe, a much thinner and more intimate robe was now exposed, being what was concealing his body now. His central wings— the largest ones he had— wrapped around his body to try and conceal himself a bit more. He lifted his outer robe up and walked behind Grian, who could not seem to move aside from all the shivering. He held it up, holding it so it would be easy to slide an arm through.

He was... giving Grian his robe?

His face was turned away, burning a deep purple-ish red color as he waited for Grian to put his arm through. "You humans are so weak... to practically force me out of my own clothing..." he muttered, pretending to be annoyed to mask his embarrassment.

Grian opened his mouth, but Miesall was quick to speak over him. "Oh come on, don't tell me you've changed your mind. Just shut up and take it already!"

Grian couldn't help but feel touched. While his body was beyond cold, his heart was warmed by this gesture. He put his arm through the hole. Miesall went to Grian's other side, holding up the other arm hole. Grian put his other arm through it and then proceeded to close the robe, tying it together. It felt... warm. Not just in a physical sense, but an emotional sense as well.

With that, Miesall continued on once more as if nothing had happened, still blushing profusely. Grian followed and a trail of water followed him. As they walked, they passed a few Watchers going on with their business as usual. As they approached each one, they would stop and stare at the two. Instead of their solemn expressions, they gave Grian smiles, something that he almost didn't think anyone here but Miesall was capable of. To the half naked one, however, they gave looks of disgust before quickly averting their eyes from the shameful sight.

Once inside Grian's room, the human found himself shivering by the door, not wanting to get anything too wet. He rubbed his arms and his sides as his teeth continued to chatter. Looking down at himself, he noticed that he had paled considerably and his body was covered in goosebumps. It was not good to be cold this long, and he had begun to worry about his health. It was then that he accidentally he let out a sneeze in the Watcher's direction, who was going through the closet. Miesall paused and turned around towards the smaller male. At first, Grian feared that he had gotten sprayed and now was angry, but he didn't seem to be.

"It is to my understanding that in your culture, I am to say 'bless you' now, although humans do not actually consider this a blessing from the idols you worship." He stated blankly. Even though his entire body was shaking already, Grian shook it some more, shaking his head. "Bless you." Miesall said before turning back to what he was doing. He grabbed the more extravagant robe that was hung in Grian's closet along with a dry set of undergarments. He turned back around.

"Take off your clothes and do not change." He instructed as he set the clothing on the table. Grian hesitated. He had undressed in front of him before, but that didn't make it any more comfortable. His expectant stare would have made Grian shiver... if the cold damp wetness hadn't already. Miesall sighed and turned around. "I've seen you undress how many hundreds of times, but you still don't want my body present. Humans are so strange." He fussed before turning and walking out.

His words were mean, but his actions were considerate. His mask was still on tight, but he learned how to show kindness while wearing it regardless.

Grian pulled off Miesall's robe, setting it on the chair. He then undid the drawstrings on his own robe and peeled it off. He tossed it onto the floor. He paused to shiver before removing his secondary robe and finally, his undergarments. It felt nice to be free of the wet clothing, but he was still incredibly cold and wet, shivering and shaking and even jumping to try and get just a bit warm. He wasn't sure where Miesall had gone or what he had expected him to do. Part of him expected Miesall to walk in immediately after he had finished, but he did not.

A few minutes later, he emerged from the door. In his hands he held a large bowl full of ash, a brush, a big blanket and a shawl. He placed the bowl, the brush and the shawl on the desk, not wanting them to get wet. He then extended the blanket to Grian, who was now blushing.

"You can try to dry yourself with this." He instructed. Grian took it with one hand, covering himself with the other. He listened silently, first drying his shoulders, then his back, then his chest. It was no towel, and it had gotten quite wet so fast, but it was better than nothing. At least his upper body was mostly dry now, which made it easier to warm up.

"Go ahead and put my robe around your shoulders, but do not wear it. You must remain unclothed for the last of these rituals."

No using magic to become dry. No talking. No clothes. What was next? No breathing?! Grian couldn't help but shoot a quick glare at Miesall. It wasn't directed at Miesall per say, more like the Watchers collectively as a whole. Maybe they were just pulling his leg, testing to see what lengths he would go to for the friends he would never interact with again. The half-dressed Watcher that stood before him only gave him a sympathetic look — there was only so much he could do.

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