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Miesall only sighed, turning on his heel. He spread his wings out and flew as fast as he could out of the room. Xelqua also turned towards the door, but walked to the Sanctum at a much slower pace. Nervousness built up inside of him as he tried to think of why they had been called. 

By the time he had reached its opening, the doors were wide open and Miesall had already been inside for some time now, sitting on the 'floor.' Walking inside, the doors closed promptly after the former human. He walked further into the room, near the curly-haired Watcher, but still a good distance away.

"Xelqua, you have confronted Miesall." The Great One said. He always seemed so menacing, and his voice caused fear to rise up from Xel's stomach. He never knew how to feel when he was called here. He took a breath and let it go. What would happen would happen.

"And for that, we are grateful." His counterpart continued, a smile in her hands if such a thing was possible. The little Watcher felt himself relax, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was here to be complimented.

Miesall tucked his knees up to his chest silently. He felt a little bit more at ease here, in the presence of only a few. Although, it went without saying that he still needed to keep his guard up.

"We do not say this lightly, but you two are very important. Not just to us, but to every Watcher alive and yet to be born. All Watchers have their own purposes, but they pale in comparison to you both."

The two froze. Miesall felt his blood run cold before he slowly lifted his head. Xelqua stood still, waiting for the Great Ones to continue on.

"You two were meant to be like no other so that you could do what no other has done. We understand that this may be difficult for you, but there is no way around it. This must happen to protect the fates of all Watchers."

Miesall no longer breathed as the curious Watcher beside him signed. The Watcher in uestion sucked in a breath before he reminded himself to not speak verbally. "To do what exactly?" He asked.

The Great Lady only smiled as she shook her head, not that her subjects could see it. "We must not tell. You will understand in time." She spoke simply. Xel was almost tempted to press further for an answer, but he was wise enough not to. They all remained in silence, not signing, for some time as the two subjects contemplated the words. 

It was Miesall that was the one who signed next. He did not bother to move his arms nor his hands, just his fingertips. They brushed up against his legs, but he paid no mind to that. "I know your greatnesses know more than I ever could. I know that you even know glimpses of the future. Your wisdom extends far beyond what I can fathom. Even so..."

The other three did not speak, awaiting the next words to come out of the male's fingers. They did not come. Xel looked at him closer, trying to see if he had being signing so slightly that he hadn't noticed. That was when he noticed that the curly haired Watcher was shaking as he hid his head in his knees once more and bit his lip. He took a loud breath, and that was when it clicked: Miesall was trying not to cry. His emotions were leaking from the tightly sealed jar they had always been in. Xelqua felt himself take a step towards the other and began to take a second, but stopped in his tracks as the Great Lady interjected.

"But you wish for us to take this cup from you." She finished, causing Miesall to nod ever so slightly. "My child, you know why it is that we cannot do such a thing..." Her words were gentle as ever, but now there was almost a sort of pain behind them. She lowered her left hand and Miesall took to it immediately, flying as fast as he could to it before lying face-first into her palm. She took her right hand and slowly tried to stroke his back, so much smaller than her fingertip.

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