62. End Notes

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Hello everyone! I want to thank you all for reading my story, XR! I want to let you know that this AU is only just getting started! Honestly, 90% of this story was worldbuilding (my favorite thing tbh) and setting up things for future books! I started writing this book on March 2nd, 2022 and it is now August 11th. I wrote roughly 125,000 words during this time. That's a lot of writing! 

The next book should come out within the next few days. If you follow me, you will get a notification for when it comes out! I'll tease you by saying that it will be shortened to ACITH~ (any guesses what that could be?)

Okay, enough rambling! The real reason I wrote this chapter was to celebrate. 

A bit ago, I asked you guys if you'd be interested in a TLO playlist. Well, I finished making it! Well, the first version of it. I will be continually updating it as the plot continues, since I don't want to show you songs that reveal things that are yet to happen. I will also add to it as I find more songs. I also have a document to explain things. You probably won't agree with some of the choices, but I'm still going to include them anyway because it's based off my opinion. I linked it to this story part and I'll put it in the comments in this paragraph too. (Please tell me if it doesn't work.)

Also, here are some fun facts that never made it into the book!:

-I considered writing a chapter in which Grian tries to pull a prank on the Watchers. The Watchers just kind of facepalmed and explained that they can see everything again.

-Watchers' magic comes from the Great Ones. They can basically sculpt their creations out of their magic, meaning the Watchers are sort of extensions of the Great Ones. I once contemplated if this meant the Great Ones could see through the Watchers, but decided they didn't.

-since their magic is all related, things get kind of weird when they are creating a new Watcher. (Basically, all their magic gets weird, so in a way you could say they all get pregnancy symptoms lol.)

-related, I also planned for a chapter in which there was a new Watcher being created. This would have taken place right when Xel began learning magic, and Miesalt would have done a demonstration to show how to use magic. It wouldn't work, and he says something like "oh, we must be pregnant." And then Xel replies, "I think I would have remembered doing something like that with you!!" I eventually scrapped this idea as I'm not sure why they would be making a new Watcher. (Also I don't think Salt would say pregnant.)

-Juden is known to take care of newborns. She may have even given Miesall his name.

-Xiomara and Miesall basically have a sibling rivalry, but they don't have love for each other.

-I have really bad sketches of what Salt looks like. I've shown them to a few people I chat with, but they're not good enough to show here. 

-When I decided to do The Convex plot line, I felt as though I didn't know much about their lore even though I watched Scar's S9. I decided to read a bunch of one shots to see what the fandom kind of seemed to agree on I guess? It was pretty helpful, and I wish I write down the ones I read, but I didn't. The one that I took the most inspiration from, though was called Taste The Magic by Waterfall on AO3. It's literally just Scar going around licking things (/srs) but it honestly gave me a lot of ideas. A lot of other fics seem to go with the idea that Vexes possess their bodies, with or without their consent, and talk to them in their head. The Vex by fluffy_papaya on AO3 is another, which basically Scar says goodbye to everyone before they take him over forever. There was another fic that I really wish I remembered the name of. Basically, Cub and Scar have cut off their connection to Vexes and have since pursued other means of magic. It's not enough for Scar though, and he comes to realize that Cub wasn't as close to the Vexes as he was, hearing their little jokes and everything. So he relapses and goes back to them, and they accept him immediately. Man, I wish I could remember the name of it...

-This really doesn't have to do with anything, but my favorite Watcher! Grian fic is named Friend That I Might Have Been by Dragonsson13 on AO3. Come to think of it, I wonder if I took subconscious 

-Miesall was supposed to be a side character...

-I briefly thought of adding other MCYT (not hermits) as Watchers, Techno in particular for some reason [this was before he passed]. But then I realized I know very little about him and had no idea why I wanted to add him in particular in the first place.

-I love hearing your theories, especially ones that are wild guesses. My personal favorite is that Miesall is actually Mumbo-- 

-I made Jellie a magic cat and I have no idea what that means tbh. All I have really decided is that she has a long lifespan or her life is somehow bound to Scar's. There should be a little more to it I think— uh... suggestions?

-I describe Miesall as being taller than Xel, but he's not that tall himself, either. 

-The Void is different for everyone, and it seems as though Xel is more prone to future sights.

-I thought of having Xel see Scar in The Void in Tales of The Void, but that already had enough angst I think.

-Symus is known for battle. He's also really tall and reminds me of a snake for some reason— really, I'm not sure how Grian mistook him for Miesall.

-Daisus is known for dancing.

-Azubius is the oldest Watcher.

-almost all Watchers have white hair. Golden blonde is very uncommon, and outside of that I don't think there's any other hair colors. Out of the named Watchers, only Xel and Physolia are blonde.  This is likely why Xel's hair changed a lighter shade.

-I originally planned a scene where Xel says that Miesall is his angel after some event. Salt takes offense to this, telling Xel that he is not a bastard. (That's right— an angel is a hybrid between humans and Watchers. )

-Angels don't exist, but if they did, they would have one pair of wings. They would also be able to see things like Watchers, but their vision is extremely limited. They also look (and probably act) holy.

See you in the next book!

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