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"...qua... can... me?"

"He.... you... ere...?"

"I think... king up..."


Xelqua slowly began opening his eyes one by one. They darted around a bit, being difficult to control like they had been during his slumber. He found that he was laying on the 'floor' of the Sanctum and that Miesall was beside him, acting as though he was peering into the other's eyes as he gently shook Xelqua's shoulder. Miesall signed on Xelqua's body once more, his movements gentle and soft; affectionate one might say.

"Hey... how are you feeling there, Xelqua?" He asked, forcing a bit of a smile. Xelqua, who was quickly coming back into consciousness, realized that neither of them were injured anymore and their clothes were just as perfect as they had always been. Almost as if The Void had only been one terrifying nightmare, and the events proceeding it part of the dream as well. The memory of it, however, still seared into Xelqua's brain, every moment more vivid than any memory he ever had.

"Mie... sall..." He signed slowly, his hand creeping towards the Watcher. Miesall hummed, gently taking ahold of Xelqua's hand in his own.

"It's alright... I know it's scary in there, but you're out now, okay? I'm here..." He signed onto the weak one's palm.

How was it that they had gone to the same nether of a place, and yet Miesall was there, comforting him? It didn't make sense, but he paid no mind as the former human felt tears well up in his eyes. He felt his body tremble and then, seemingly on its own accord, launch itself at Miesall, wrapping its arms around him. Miesall, not anticipating this, almost fell over as he let out a yelp in surprise. He quickly recovered, wrapping his arms around Xelqua in return, holding him close.

Xelqua tried to fight the tears like he always did, but they quickly overpowered him. He began sobbing into Miesall's shoulder, bawling his eyes out as Miesall silently held him there.

Miesall didn't really understand this all, why he was comforting the sobbing mess of a creature, but yet he was. He offered no further words of encouragement as he did not know what else could be said. Maybe silence was the best thing that could be said. He 'stared' off into the endless room silently as he observed the shivering little Watcher with what limited vision he himself had. As time passed, he realized that at some point without realizing, he had taken his wings— all 3 pairs on his back— and wrapped them around Xelqua, as if to shield him from the Great Ones. (Not that he would ever betray his creators, of course!) Free from distractions, he used all of his focusing power on the little Watcher.

Soon, Xelqua's weeping subsided to quiet sobbing, and he found the strength to sign into Miesall's chest. "It was terrible..." he cried, his fingers trembling. Miesall couldn't see the words, Xelqua having been more than buried in Miesall's embrace along with Miesall's lack of vision. Yet, he could feel the words being written onto him, and so he understood perfectly.

He stayed silent for a bit, waiting for Xelqua to say more. He did not, so Miesall decided to speak instead. "Was it a dream?" He asked, scribbling onto Xelqua's back. "Or was it a feeling? Perhaps something else, even?" Watchers didn't talk about the Void because it was in the Sanctum, but they were both still there. It still felt odd to be talking about this, to be comforting Xelqua, but he did anyway. He still wasn't sure how he was supposed to properly do this, but he was following the leads of books he had read.

"I... saw my friends," Xelqua responded slowly, confirming that it had been a dream. Miesall nodded slightly.

"What happened?" He inquired.

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