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Xelqua found himself in the North Wing once more after another session of lessons. Sick of looking at flowers, which he now could do at any time, he found himself heading to the dance room. Before he got there, though, he was interrupted.

"Hey Xelqua, I wish to speak to you," a Watcher signed from the other side of the temple. He tried to not groan, knowing that was Xiomara that had spoken. As in, the Watcher that had been nothing but rude to Xelqua in their few interactions they had. He had been the cruelest one of all, and so he had tried his best to avoid him. He couldn't help but sigh, realizing he couldn't just lie and say he was busy.

"What about?" He signed silently, frowning.

"I—" the Watcher began. "Here, I will come to you." He said, beginning to fly through the halls. He was traveling pretty quickly, and Xelqua felt anxiety rise up in his chest. What if he was coming to harass him again?

"Careful there, Xiomara. I got my eyes on you," Miesall chipped in from the lecture hall. His movements were rugged, giving the voice of a stern warning. It made Xelqua feel just a bit better, remembering that everyone was watching. Xiomara did not respond, choosing instead to focus on his flying. It was only a minute or two until he flew into the hallway, slowed himself down and propped his feet on the ground beside the small Watcher.

The little one could feel that his body wanted to tremble, but he willed it not to. He planted his feet firmly on the ground as if he expected the other to tackle him to the ground, breaking into a physical fight. "What do you want." He stated more so than asked. He was not going to let himself be the tiny, frail human he once was, almost reduced to tears from some mean words and then poked fun of because of said tears.

"Look," Xiomara started slowly, holding his arms out to show that he meant no harm, "I know we haven't exactly gotten off on the right foot as humans say..."

Oh. Xiomara's stature said it all: he wasn't here to fight. He was here to apologize, or at least, get as close to apologizing as Watchers would get. Unless it was all an act? Xelqua wasn't sure, but he hesitantly relaxed just a bit, internally keeping his guard up. "That's one way to say it," he said through gritted teeth.

"Well, I was wondering if we could start anew? You are a new person after all..."

Xelqua furled his brow from underneath his mask. He was doing this because he was a no longer human? What a slap in the face! Not wanting to accept his offer, he turned away, crossing his arms. He didn't speak; he didn't want to say something wrong.

"Oh come on," Xiomara said, opening his arms wider. "We're supposed to be comrades!"

Xelqua balled his fists. Comrades. As if these weren't the people that had shunned him until he grew a pair of wings. That was right — when he had danced with the others, they were more open to him because he wasn't human anymore. They had this deep prejudice against humans, and now that was gone, now and only now he was seen as equal. Something in him just snapped in that moment. Before even he knew what he was doing, he had whipped around, ran towards the other and gave him a nice punch in the jaw. Xiomara cried out as he fell to the floor with a loud thunk. He quickly grabbed ahold of his chin, thick purplish red liquid dripping from between the cracks of his fingers. Xelqua could already feel all of the other Watchers gawk from their positions in the temple. Many of them spread their wings and shot off, headed to where the two were in the North Wing. Although they both saw this, neither of them cared, too caught up in the moment.

Regaining his composure, Xiomara scrambled to his feet. "Hey! What was that for?!" He demanded. Seeking revenge, he charged back at Xelqua, his fist glowing as he used his magic. The blonde tried to jump out of the way, but he wasn't fast enough. Xiomara's fist made contact with Xelqua's array of eyes, fire igniting his mask and burning his eyes. He gave a shriek as he jumped back, holding onto his mask and trying to use his magic to put out the fire. His hands burned as he tried in vain, causing him to cry out all the more, falling to the floor. Xiomara got on top of him, lifting his fist for yet another blow. 

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