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Hey guys, it's been awhile since I posted. I've been writing just as much as ever (I have another chapter and a half waiting to be edited), but haven't had time/energy to edit them. I have gone into much more detail about why on my wall, but I just want to say I'm sorry. 

With that out of the way, let's get back to the story, shall we?


"I don't know Miesalt..." Xelqua began. He was standing on the edge of the temple grounds, looking down at what quite possibly could be his doom.

Miesall flew in front of him, flapping his wings in such a way that he almost hovered in place. "You did it before." He commented. "I did not let you fall then, and I will not let you fall now."

Xel looked up at his teacher. "So you will be there for me, just as I am there for you." He replied, forcing a smile. He could tell that it made the other uncomfortable, which was exactly why he had said it. Not to annoy him, but rather to expose him more and more to what the word friendship meant. The more he did that, the more comfortable — and hopefully happier— Miesall would be.

Miesall did not respond to that. He did not know how, and the gazes of the other Watchers tugged at him. He had chosen to be like Tully and Kate, the characters in his new book, becoming close with another. That didn't mean he didn't feel the rejection from other people, however.

"Promise I won't die...?" Xel asked.

The other Watcher only sighed. "It would take more than that to kill you, but yes, I will keep you out of harm's way."

Xel took a step off the ledge. He felt himself he pulled off the temple grounds, quickly falling face first. He opened his wings and frantically began to flap them. His decent slowed, then stopped and finally, he felt himself going in a new direction.

Once again, the wind whipped against him, blowing his hair as well as his robes. It felt cool against his skin. 

"See? You did not need my help to begin flying." Miesall mused, still flying in the same spot. "You are alright for a beginner."

Xel giggled at the compliment as he continued to simply fly around the empty space. Miesall gave a slight smile at the sight. As the youngest, he had never seen Watcher children (younger than himself) playing, but he imagined this is what they would look like. As he studied the other, he considered his next plan of action. There were many elements to flying, so many difficult maneuvers to learn, and he wasn't sure where to begin teaching.

He decided to first teach Xel how to fly in place. As fun as he seemed to be having flying around aimlessly, it was taking a lot of energy from him. Flying in place, once learned properly, was not so energy consuming. As one of the fundamentals, it should be taught early on.

"Xel, try to come towards me," Miesall said, moving a bit further from the edge. Xel shot himself towards Miesall wildly, and they almost collided. They would have if Miesall wasn't such a good flyer, narrowing dodging the other.

"Woah, careful!" He cried. He gently began to glide along with the other. He shook his head, trying to think of a better way to do this. He had never taught anyone to fly before and so he did not know what methods were best. "Alright. Can you try only flying straight up?" He tried again.

"I'm not sure..." Xel said. He twisted himself in the air so that he looked like he was standing. He continued to beat his wings, soon beginning to fly upwards. He was a little tilted to the right, but that wasn't too surprising. Miesall followed him.

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