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"Miesalt?" Xelqua asked after a bit, causing the Watcher to cross his arms.

"Not answering to that." He snapped. He would never admit to having had missed this.

A cheeky smirk reached Xelqua's lips as he began to bounce up and down in his seat. "Miesalt! Miesalt! Miesalt!" He chanted over and over, each one louder than the last. It was only once Xelqua was shouting at the top of his lungs did Miesall give in.

"What is it?!" He shouted back, throwing up his arms and causing the other to giggle at his victory.

"You said that I had been asleep for a hundred years," Xelqua started, now becoming serious.

"Somewhere around that timeframe, yes." Miesall confirmed, calming down now.

"You've barely changed, though." He pointed out.

"Watchers have very long life spans," Miesall explained. "A hundred years to us is roughly..." he trailed off. "A year for humans."

"Just how old are you?" Xelqua blurted. Miesall looked taken aback by this, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Two millenniums, give or take a few decades." He shrugged as if that had been almost no time at all.

"But you look so young!" Xelqua cried.

"Well, excuse me! I believe that you are further along in your lifespan than I am in mine." The curly-haired Watcher huffed.

"Are you saying that I'm older than you? But--"

"No, that's preposterous! I clearly have existed for a longer span of time than you have."

Xelqua shook his head. "No, I meant..." He began. How again was he supposed to describe this? "Not in a literal sense, but like, a mental age?" That wasn't quite right, either.

"You mean to say that if we were to convert our years to the percentage of our estimated lives we have lived through, you are surprised that your percentage is higher?" Miesall asked, confusion breaking through his expression. He was always so good with words.

"I-- well, yeah." The former human nodded. 

"How come?"

"Well, it's just that..." He rubbed the back of his neck, finding it easily. "Well, you act so mature for a twenty year old! And here I am, twenty-five and I still can't bother to take a single lesson seriously."

"You can say that again!" Miesall exclaimed with the hint of a smile. He had been this Watcher's teacher, so he knew first hand that this was most undoubtedly true. "But you got both of our ages wrong. If I was twenty, I would not even be able to nourish my own body. You are over a hundred as well."

"Oh... right." Xelqua replied slowly. He didn't like to think about how a hundred years had past. Even in a place where time was almost entirely meaningless, it made him feel like he had missed so much time, although he was there, watching it all. He shook his head. No, he wanted to keep this conversation more light hearted. He forced a smirk. "You really are an old man then, huh Miesalt?"

"I am not!" Miesall barked, causing the other to giggle once more. He paused to regain his composure. "I'll have you know that I am the youngest Watcher there is! Well, second to you now. And I am certainly no man."

This made the blonde pause. "There hasn't been a Watcher born in a few thousand years? How come?"

"Welllll," Miesall began, smirking. "When a female and a male are attracted to each other very much--"

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