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In his dream, Xelqua once again saw the man that he knew but did not know at the same time. He wasn't sure how he knew it was the same person, but he did. They held a near identical conversation before the familiar stranger decided enough was enough. He gave Grian a roundhouse kick in the stomach which sent him flying what seemed like indefinitely. When he hit the 'ground,' he found that he was surrounded by beings of the night; zombies, spiders, creepers and skeletons, all ready and eager to kill him. They vastly outnumbered him, coming in the hundreds if not thousands. They all circled him and attacked him, biting and clawing, shooting and exploding. Grian was like a rag doll, in too much pain to even move, but continuing to take more and more damage. He shouldn't have even been alive, but yet he was, and the monsters continued to attack him. On and on they went, with no end in sight.

When he was awoken on the 'floor' of the Sanctum, he found Miesall perched above him on nothing. Xel's body had been restored, but it still ached all over. He slowly sat himself upright, gaining the other Watcher's attention.

"Welcome back." Miesall mumbled, frowning. In his hands he held the tale of two star crossed lovers, never meant to be together. He had gotten to the part where the two dreamers had foolishly decided to kill themselves in the name of the love that was never to be. 

"You came?" The blonde replied softly.

Miesall nodded silently. "The Great Ones have directed me to guide you back to your room when you are ready."

Xel hugged his knees. "Can we... maybe talk about it first?"

Miesall stayed silent for a bit. "If you are to become a proper Watcher, Xelqua, you must learn to do things the way we do." His tone was just as cold as the others; maybe colder even. The harsh words struck Xel, but he tried not to show it.

The two sat in silence, Miesall returning his attention back to his book. At least, he tried to. He thought about how the Great Lady has stroked him and promised him that he had done nothing wrong. That, in fact, he had been following his fate. Yet deep down, the words spoken to him by the other Watchers still rang in his mind. His heart hurt with the pitiful expression Xelqua had, but he pushed his heart aside, recognizing it as the addiction that plagued him.

It wasn't until he had finished the final line of the play that Xelqua stood up, almost hitting his head on Miesall's dangling legs. "Alright... I think I'm ready," he signed into his sleeve, sighing.

Miesall got up and flew down to the disoriented Watcher. He stood by him and lead him out of the Sanctum. They began to walk to the west wing, towards Xelqua's chambers.

"Their punishments are strict." Xel sighed, trying to start conversation.

"We are a holy people. We are to upright in all that we do. There are other higher species, Listeners for example, that do not punish their people so harshly. Their people rebel against their kind." Miesall replied, his wings opening up just a bit and standing a bit straighter. It was his pride showing through.

"That makes their people weaker, right? Isn't that good for us since they are our enemies?" Xel asked.

Miesall shrugged. "Not necessarily. It can just mean they have bastards, which while that reflects badly on themselves, doesn't hurt them."

Xel quickly shot a glance at Miesall. "I thought we weren't supposed to swear!"

"We are not to use not use coarse words. We use the word as a descriptive term, just as humans did until the past few centuries. I believe the literal definition is an illegitimate child."

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