57. Reject

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My mental health really took a hit this (last) week... I think this fic is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment, not going to lie...

Anyway! If I were to compile a playlist of songs that remind me of this series, would you listen to it? Just a random question...

Okay, enough rambling; now back to the angst!


Inside the air conditioned space, the two vessels laid sprawled on the floor. On the table was the cake pan, only crumbs remaining. They weren't sure just how long they had been there, but it was longer than they had anticipated. That was fine though, since the Vexes needed to have time to fix Ryan (apparently).

His body was now cooled, restored. It felt like it should, strong and unstoppable. Yet just in case to keep Cub and the Vexes at bay, he popped a diamond or two.

'I'm glad you're feeling better.' Cub thought, turning onto his side to look at the other vessel. 'We should probably get back.'

Ryan nodded. Those people had been waiting all day out in this heat. If anything, it was almost rude to have taken a break this long. But of course, in actuality, it wasn't. They were The Convex. They could do things no one else could, give hope to the hopeless. They deserved a break this long in the very least. The Vexes were sure to remind them of this.

Cub got up from the floor, wiping away the crumbs and frosting from his mouth. Ryan was quick to follow suit.

As soon as he stood up, however, his legs gave out immediately. He let out a cry, Cub quickly spinning around. Both of their eyes flashed blue, Ryan trying to use his magic to right himself and Cub trying to freeze him in the air.

As much as Ryan and the Vexes tried, it did not work. He continued to fall. Cub hugged his friend, his own magic causing them both both to freeze in mid air as soon as they made contact.

'What just happened?' Ryan asked.

'I'm really worried about him.' Cub thought as he stared into the other's eyes. 

The Vexes were once again silent, not chattering away like they usually do. They were always so loud, so noisy. Their voices usually echoed each other over and over, a hundred million times for even the simplest thought, so why weren't they saying anything in that moment?

"They aren't speaking to me." Ryan said as he searched his friend's eyes. His gut wrenched with worries. Whatever was happening, it was not good. The silence of the Vexes were overridden by his fears. His body had begun to ache now, in a way that only old men had spoken to him of.

Cub adjusted Ryan in his arms so that he was holding him bridal style, still gazing into his eyes. He lowered his feet onto the floor. "They aren't to me, either, they won't speak to me." He replied, a sigh exiting his lips. His thoughts came a second later. 'This can't be good.'

Just what was it that was happening? They both asked the Vexes, begging them to say something, anything, other than just relay messages from vessel to vessel.

When one spoke to Cub, he couldn't help but gasp. 'Traitor.' It had said.

And just like that, the Vexes were immediately riled up inside of him.

'That man is a liar!'

'He was never part of The Convex!'

'He tricked us!'



'One of little faith!'

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