54. Enigma

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"Ready... set... go!" Miesall cried. He watched Xelqua dart off towards the obstacle course. The former human had been practicing memorizing the course, taking it slow to commit it to memory. This was his first real attempt now, doing the course all at once rather than in pieces trying to get the hang of things.

As he bolted towards the first rocks, he began to adjust his body so it could move through the gap. He miscalculated by a long shot, face planting right into the side one of them. He hit it so hard that the clump of land masses moved a bit, shifting and threatening to break. Xelqua found himself falling backwards and tumbling through the air. He let out a cry as he saw Miesall zoom over, scooping him up into his arms and holding him close.

The blonde let out a large sigh, gathering his bearings. "Thanks, Miesalt." He said softly. The Watcher did not respond nor move. With his detached eyes, Xel studied his friend as his magic restored him. "Uh, you can let go of me now. I'm fine."

Miesall still did not reply. His entire body began shaking, moving the creature in his arms. "Miesall?" Xel asked again, beginning to get really nervous for his companion. He managed to wiggle his way out of the other's arms and turned to face him. "What's happening? Talk to me."

Miesall brought his hands to his mouth, covering it. It was as if he was holding an animal inside of him, and he was trying to prevent it from escaping. His cheeks puffed out and he didn't dare breathe.

Xel flew closer to Miesall. He shook him, trying to break him whatever trance he was in. "Miesall, what's wrong?" he asked again, the alarm evident in his voice.

Was it something that he had seen? With hundreds of eyes, he could have seen anything! But on the other hand, maybe it was that he had remembered something from The Void. Both seemed to be very plausible answers to Xel. 

Then the curly-haired Watcher let out a strange sound, causing Xel to freeze. A small smirk began to grow on his face, and if he had human eyes, they would have had a glint of devilish intent in them. 

He then learched himself at Miesall, tackling him in the air. The two went tumbling, spiraling downwards, as the taller Watcher let out a cry in surprise.

Xelqua didn't care that the two were now descending rapidly. He took his hands, quickly running them over certain parts of Miesall's body— his neck, pits and sides. He quickly alternated between them so that Miesall couldn't catch up, his body jerking this way and that in hopes of putting an end to the nonsensical touch. Xelqua's smirk only grew with each passing second. "Come on, Miesalt... let it out..." he teased softly into the Watcher's earwings, careful not to get hit by his desperately flailing arms.

That was all it took for Miesall to crack like an egg, just as the sneaky Watcher had wanted. The sounds spewed out of his mouth, over and over with no end in sight, his body shaking and trembling as he threw his head back.

Xelqua stopped tickling the other. He let go of him and gave a bit of space. They both began flying as normal, hovering next to each other.

Miesall hugged himself as his entire body continued to shake along with the sounds he was making. He couldn't stop it, and for some strange reason, he didn't want to. He felt tears well up in his eyes and begin to fall, although for what reason, he could not discern. Despite the wild ways his body was acting, just about jerking from the chest, rippling through the rest of his body, somehow it felt... good. It felt amazing, actually. It felt as though he was receiving medicine for a wound he did not have.

Xelqua only crossed his arms, his smirk lessening a bit. "Okay, okay, it wasn't that funny, geez." He teased, though he didn't really mean his words really. He was glad that he had gotten the Watcher to laugh.

"You totally missed, though!" Miesall signed wildly, his voice too busy to actually speak it out loud.

"Still!" Xelqua cried, finding himself trying not to laugh at Miesall's laugh. He gave up, giving into the sweet relief that giggling brought.

And that day, the Downside Up was filled with laughter, illogical as it may be.


A bit of a shorter chapter. Nice and fluffy, too! 

Although, admittedly, I'm not sure if I used the word Enigma correctly. It sounds cool though, so I'm keeping it. 

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