27.Brewing Demonstration

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The potion room, much like the lecture hall, was fairly large. Around the outside of the room, shelves upon shelves with supplies stood tall. Even though Xelqua knew about this room and had explored it during his long slumber, it still amazed him just how many materials there were. It likely had more things than rest of the temple combined. Rabbits feet, magma cream, piles of redstone and glow stone dust respectively, more bottles than they could ever need, a pile of blaze rods. They had everything that could possibly be needed for brewing and then some. Xelqua had noticed there were some weird ingredients such as feathers and horns, but he had chosen to ignore them for now. He was sure that it would be explained later.

In the center of the room stood a large fountain, crystal clear water running through it. On the west side of the room, a long row of tables stood, each one supporting the weight of two separate brewing stands. On the east side of the room stood a large table with a large stack of mortars while pestles lined up beside them. In the center of this table stood a large bowl.

"You look as though you cannot believe your eyes." Miesall said, now standing beside Xelqua.

"I cannot."

"But certainly you have seen it before?" Miesall said, a bit of question in his voice.

"I've never been here before, though. Or, this is only my second time here, anyway."

Miesall tilted his head slightly. "But it doesn't matter if our bodies are present here or not. We see it the same." He pointed out. Watchers weren't like humans, who had to be physically there. Still, the sentiment lingered for the former human, who now went to one of the shelves. He ran his finger along the pristine white quartz of one of the shelves

"I know," he signed into the shelf, sighing. There were some things Watchers would never understand. He forced a smile on his face and turned around, putting himself back into excitement. "Well, what are waiting for? Teach me!" He beamed.

Miesall paused, crossing him arms. Though he did not move his head, he was searching around the room, deciding just what to do. "You have never been known for brewing and potion making. It has also been a long time since you have made any potions. Let us start with you showing me what you know." He decided.

"Alright," Xelqua said before cracking his knuckles. He turned to where the bottles were and grabbed as many as he could. He then brought them over to the fountain and filled them one by one with clear, refreshing water, setting the ones he filled on the ground. Once completed, he began scooping them up once more into his arms. As he reached for the sixth one, his hand bumped into Miesall's. Xelqua paused, moving his eyes so he could see Miesall better. His arms also carried quite a few bottles, though he wasn't sure who had more. Miesall cleared his throat as he continued to look away.

"I did not want anything to break," he excused as he grabbed the last one in his hand. Xelqua smiled, knowing that it wasn't just about something breaking. They both stood themselves up and headed to the long line of brewing stands. Together they made quick work of fastening the bottles in their respective places on the stands. Once completed, Miesall stepped back a bit, allowing Xelqua to show what he could do.

Xelqua walked over to the shelves once more, grabbing a large amount of blaze rods. He carried them back to the preparation table, dropping them all onto it's surface. He grabbed a mortar that rested on the top of the stack as well as a pestle. He placed a handful of blaze rods in and began to use the pestle to crush them. The rods were a bit stiffer than he remembered, causing him to put a bit more force into the stick. He quickly found a rhythm, moving both the mortar and the pestle almost in a circular motion. Just as soon as he found this rhythm, he watched as Miesall came over to the other side of the table. He grabbed another bowl for himself, put some uncrushed blaze rods in and he too started to turn them into powder.

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